Equipment lymphatic drainage massage

Hardware lymphatic drainage massage is a very popular and popular procedure, which is used both for general health improvement of the body and for aesthetic purposes. For example, in many salons in addition to the course of correction of the figure you will be recommended to purchase and the course of procedures of such a massage - this allows you to strengthen the effect of all other types of therapy.

Lymphatic drainage: features

This salon technique is primarily aimed at restoring venous circulation and normalizing the functioning of the lymphatic system. If we talk about the benefits of such procedures in general, we can note an improvement in metabolic processes at the cellular level and removal of toxins from the body. Due to this, the following effects are achieved:

Many people are worried that the hardware technique does not take into account the peculiarities of each client's organism, however, this is not so. The device for lymphatic drainage massage has a lot of settings, from frequency to pauses, and specialists customize its work individually for each person's needs.

It is believed that the courses of lymphodrainage apparatus massage of the body best affect the body in combination with classical manual massage of general purpose.

Lymphatic Drainage Equipment: Apparatus

To date, the most popular types of apparatus lymphodrainage massage of the body are pressotherapy and vacuum lymph drainage massage.


This option is a procedure in which a special costume is put on the patient, in some sectors of which a certain amount of air is alternately supplied. It promotes a gentle effect on the body and pushes lymph in the natural direction. For 30-40 minutes of the procedure you will already notice a great effect. It is easy to imagine how your well-being will improve after a whole course, which, as a rule, consists of 15 procedures, conducted twice a week.

Vacuum lymphatic drainage massage

This procedure is carried out with the help of special tubes, which the masseur moves along the human body in such a way as to stimulate the natural course of the lymph. This procedure has long been proven effective. By the way, even if you purchase an appropriate lymph drainage device for a home, using it yourself can be very dangerous, because it is important to know the location and direction of the lymph flow for the procedure.

Having learned that this procedure is shown to almost everyone, people are trying to get a lymph drainage massager home. However, improper use of it can be very dangerous to health, and if you are in doubt, it is better to still be able to visit the salon.

Lymphatic drainage massage: contraindications

It is important to understand that for all the benefits of such a massage there are contraindications, which should not be ignored. These include:

However, pregnancy is a contraindication regarding: after the first trimester, a hardware lymphodrainage foot massage is allowed. When visiting a specialist, discuss all possible contraindications.