What kind of nuts are available for breastfeeding?

The list of useful, but at the same time unsafe products is great. It also has nuts in it. Therefore, before you include the delicacy in your diet, newly mummies thoroughly weigh all the pros and cons. At the same time, many forget that different nuts have different properties.

Today we will discuss what nuts can be eaten by a woman during the breastfeeding of a newborn, and which ones should be abandoned.

What kind of nuts are useful in breastfeeding?

Following the advice of the older generation, many moms rush to diversify their menu with delicious walnuts. After all, everyone knows that they increase the fat content of milk due to the high content of unsaturated Omega-3 acids in them. This is indeed so. However, do not forget that excessively fatty mother's milk does not promise anything good to the receptive GIT of the child. Abusing walnuts, mummy risks provoking bloating and colic in the baby. In addition, the nuclei are a fairly strong allergen.

Refuse such delicacies as cedar nuts are not easy. And it is not necessary. So, when asked what nuts can be eaten by a mother during breastfeeding a newborn, experts recommend starting with these nuclei. In a small amount, pine nuts will benefit both the woman and her baby. Since the delicacy not only saturates the milk with useful substances, but also promotes the regeneration of mucous membranes, has anti-inflammatory and bactericidal properties. However, the probability of the appearance of allergic rashes in the crumbs, after eating a portion of the pine nuts, still exists.

An impressive range of useful properties have hazelnuts and almonds. In particular, it will have a beneficial effect on the psychoemotional state of mummy almonds. But with hazelnut should be somewhat more cautious, because, despite all its useful properties, the nutlet is a strong allergen.

It is often asked whether it is possible to eat nuts with breastfeeding, a lover of roasted peanuts. It is noteworthy that contrary to popular belief, peanuts are not a nut, but a bean fruit. Tasty enough and to some extent useful, but not in the lactation period. Peanut is a powerful allergen, and fried and does not become toxic, however, like any other nut after frying. In addition, it is proved that peanuts can lead to anaphylactic shock, edema Quincke.

To refuse for the time of feeding costs and from a Brazil nut, and here a coconut can appear very opportunely. Especially useful is coconut milk - it contains a huge amount of protein substances and unsaturated fats.