30th week of pregnancy - fetal size

The fetus is completely formed at the 30th week of pregnancy, its cardiovascular and urinary systems are already functioning. Movements with arms and legs indicate a developed musculoskeletal system, and motor reactions in response to sound and light stimuli indicate improvement of the sense organs. In our article, we will consider the features of fetal development in the 30th week of pregnancy and its main dimensions.

Fetal size at 30 weeks of gestation

Fetometry of the fetus of 30 weeks of pregnancy is carried out during the ultrasound. The ultrasound of the fetus is performed at 30 weeks if there are indications (screening ultrasound is carried out at 32-34 weeks). At 30 weeks of gestation, the fetal size is 38 cm. And the weight of the fetus at 30 weeks is approximately 1400 grams. Kokchikotemennoy the size of the child at 30 weeks of gestation is 27 cm.

What is the fetus in 30 weeks of pregnancy?

At 30 weeks of pregnancy the fetus is already similar to a small man, it has the same proportions as the newly born child. In this term of gestation the child actively grows and gains weight. By this age the kid already knows a lot. For example, a child can blink into bright light, becomes more active on sound stimuli. Ingestion of amniotic fluid can be accompanied by hiccough, which the woman feels as rhythmic, not intense shocks. The kid at this age makes respiratory movements up to 40 per minute, which contributes to the development of intercostal muscles and ripening of lung tissue. At this age, the fetus still has wrinkled skin, has hair on the head and cannon hair on the body (lanugo), gradually increasing the layer of subcutaneous fat.

Feelings of a woman at 30 weeks gestation

The 30th week of pregnancy is the term of the future mother's departure on antenatal leave. The size of the abdomen at the 30th week of pregnancy is significantly increased, the center of gravity gradually moves forward and the woman needs to follow the posture. A woman periodically feels the fetus stirring, the uterine tone may increase because of the rapid stretching of its walls. At this time, a woman may be concerned about frequent urination (enlarged uterus compresses the bladder), excessive sweating (metabolic rate acceleration).

Thus, we see that the parameters of the fetus at the 30th week of pregnancy can be determined by ultrasound. A small fetus at the 30th week indicates a delay in intrauterine development, and can be diagnosed with fetoplacental insufficiency ( fetal hypoxia ) or intrauterine infection.