Embryo 5 weeks

In the fifth week of pregnancy, the embryo gradually turns into an embryo and changes its shape from a flat and round to a cylindrical shape. The size of the embryo at 5 weeks is 1.5-2.5 mm. but, with such microscopic dimensions, the beginnings of the eyes begin to form, the neural tube along the spine begins to become clear where it will have pens, where - the legs. On each side of the body are visible transparent lines that go from the place of the future shoulders to the place of the future hips.

But the most significant event of 5-6 weeks - the embryo first begins to shrink the heart. An important event is the closing of the neural tube. It is helped by folic acid in pregnancy , which is highly desirable to be taken additionally in the first trimester of pregnancy.

The embryo on the 5th week has the form of the letter C. It has the germs of such organs as the liver, pancreas, respiratory organs continue to develop. Now the embryo is protected by a double shell resembling a bladder. It is called the yolk sac, it produces the production of blood cells for the embryo.

All surrounding membranes, a bag, a liquid and the fetus itself now have the same size about 1 cm. A child in this whole composition takes only about 2 mm. Naturally, no woman has any stomach and even hints at him at this stage.

Sensations of a woman

At this stage, a woman can have new sensations - drowsiness, decreased appetite, frequent urination, nausea. There is a high probability that you will be drawn to the salty. This suggests that in your body is a grand hormonal adjustment - hence the toxicosis, and the craving for certain taste sensations.

Of course, not all women feel all these changes. Some continue to live quietly and not to suspect that they are pregnant. Of course, there is a delay in the monthly, but if they were previously irregular, it is unlikely to attract attention this time. But here the test for pregnancy can not be deceived - at this time, it will accurately indicate your "interesting situation".

And to make sure that the pregnancy is normal and the embryo is attached in the right place (in other words - to exclude the ectopic pregnancy ), we advise you to undergo ultrasound at week 5.

Nutrition of a woman at the 5th week of pregnancy

It's high time you forgot about alcohol, smoking and other bad habits. Refrain from fried, smoked, spicy foods. It is better to eat cooked or steamed dishes. Do not forget that your diet should be balanced, that is, contain all the necessary vitamins and trace elements.

It is important at this stage protein - it is found in meat, eggs, fish, nuts, beans, carrots, apricots and mangoes. No less important is the trace element - iron. It is present in beef, pomegranates, apples, buckwheat.

From drinks prefer kefir, yogurt, herbal teas, natural juices. And to supplement the body with vitamins, take a multivitamin prescribed by your doctor - they are necessary in the first trimester for the normal formation of the baby's systems and organs.

Mood of the future mother

Pay attention to what kind of mood you are in. From this much depends, and not so much for you, as for your future baby. It is proved that even at such a short period a child feels how his mother reacted to the news about his pregnancy and whether he is a desired child.

Be cheerful, walk more, enjoy your new position, dream, mentally talk to the baby. If you are tired and nervous about work - take a vacation. Now, much more importantly, you and your child than the fulfillment of the plan and the writing of the quarterly report. The positive attitude and support of relatives is all that you need at this stage.