Increased fibrinogen in pregnancy

Pregnancy of a woman is associated with perestroika, affecting all the systems of her body. Therefore, it is very important that the homeostasis system is also in equilibrium. The lack of balance can lead to complications in the course of pregnancy. One of the indicators of this equilibrium is the level of fibrinogen in the blood.

Fibrinogen is a protein that precedes the formation of a fibrin substance, which is the basis of the clot when coagulating blood.

This protein is of great importance for the normal course of pregnancy, the health of the mother and baby. The rate of fibrinogen in the blood of pregnant women is 6 g / liter, while for an average person this figure is 2-4 g / liter.

The amount of fibrinogen found in the blood varies depending on the gestational age and the characteristics of the female body. Increasing the level of fibrinogen in pregnancy is a programmed by nature mechanism, which is necessary to protect the mother and child from possible bleeding in the postpartum period. The amount of fibrinogen begins to increase from the third trimester, which is due to the formation of another circulatory system, the main role in which the uterus and placenta play. By the end of pregnancy, the concentration of fibrinogen reaches its maximum value of 6 g / liter.

High fibrinogen in pregnancy, not exceeding the limit values, should not bother a woman, this is an indication that the pregnancy is proceeding normally.

To determine the level of fibrinogen in the blood, the future mother gives each trimester a coagulogram . The analysis is given on an empty stomach to obtain more reliable results. Based on the analysis, the doctor makes a conclusion about the content of fibrinogen in the body of a pregnant woman.

What if I have elevated fibrinogen levels during pregnancy?

If the amount of fibrinogen is above the allowable values ​​(more than 6 g in a liter), the woman is given more in-depth tests aimed at studying the coagulation system of her blood, in order to confirm or exclude certain pathologies. Increased fibrinogen in pregnancy indicates that the pregnant woman suffers from an inflammatory or infectious disease, or the body dies tissue.

Another pathology is thrombophilia, characterized by an elevated level of blood coagulability. This condition, if not detected in time or not treated, can result in negative consequences for the pregnant woman and her fetus. Therefore, if a woman is diagnosed with thrombophilia, she should be constantly observed by an obstetrician and a hematologist.

Thus, if fibrinogen in pregnancy is increased in a woman, then a timely and competent treatment of this condition is required.

How to reduce fibrinogen in pregnancy?

If pregnancy is elevated fibrinogen, the woman should follow the recommendations of the doctor and take the necessary drugs. Besides, she can help herself by reconsidering her diet. Will help reduce fibrinogen:

The broth of the root of peony, chestnut, aloe vera and calanchoe will help to normalize the level of fibrinogen. But it must be remembered that you should not take independent actions aimed at lowering fibrinogen without consulting your doctor.