VDM for pregnancy by week - table

With each day of pregnancy, there is an increase in the size of such a genital organ as the uterus. This process is conditioned primarily by the growth of the fetus. That is why the bottom of the uterus constantly rises. In this case, the maximum is reached at the 37th week of gestation. Measurements are taken from the extreme, upper point of the pubic symphysis to the highest point of the uterine fundus. The value obtained as a result of the procedure in obstetrics is usually called the height of the standing of the womb (WDM).

This parameter is of great diagnostic value, because allows not only to determine the duration of pregnancy at the beginning, but also allows physicians to make early diagnosis of possible complications of pregnancy. Let's talk about it in more detail and tell you how, during pregnancy, WDM changes by week, and what table doctors use to compare the indicators obtained with the measurement to the norm.

How do you calculate the height of the standing of the uterus?

Approximately with the beginning of the second trimester the uterus goes beyond the borders of the small pelvis, which makes it possible to palpate its bottom through the anterior abdominal wall.

The gynecologist makes measurements of this kind at each examination of the pregnant woman. The procedure is carried out in the supine position on the back, with the help of a special obstetric device, a tasometer, or an ordinary centimeter tape. The results are always shown in centimeters and are entered in the exchange card. This allows you to track this indicator in the dynamics and indirectly evaluate the development of the fetus.

How is the transcript of WDM in pregnancy by gestation weeks using a table?

After the measurement, the results of the physicians are compared with the tabulated results. In it the values ​​of this parameter are marked, starting from 8-9 weeks of gestation.

As can be seen from the table, in normal weeks, WDM changes in such a way that it practically corresponds to the time, i.e. to find out the norm for a certain period, it is enough to add 2-3 cm to the number of weeks. In this case, it is possible to obtain approximate indicators. However, pregnancy requires accuracy, so often the doctors after the measurements, the results are compared with those that are present in the table.

What can indicate the discrepancy between the MMR and gestational age?

A significant lag or, on the contrary, the excess of this indicator gives the doctor an excuse for additional examination. However, at the same time it is necessary to make an amendment to both individual characteristics and the course of pregnancy.

Thus, inflated values ​​of the height of the standing of the uterine fundus may indicate such features of the gestation process as polyhydramnios, and in some cases may indicate a large fruit. As a rule, the uterus bottom is high at multiple pregnancy, which is not a violation.

The low location of the uterine fundus may, on the contrary, indicate a lack of hydration, or a delay in individual development. Also, this can be noted with an atypical presentation of the fetus, - transverse or oblique.

In what cases can the WDM be measured incorrectly?

In those cases when the measured in the current pregnancy VDM does not correspond to the norm, painted on a weekly basis and indicated in the table, the pregnant woman should not be upset and panic. The reasons for which this parameter can be set incorrectly are several.

First, the discrepancy between the value of the WDM table can be the result of an incorrect calculation of the gestational age.

Secondly, the height of standing of the bottom of the uterus can never be evaluated independently, because the features of the pregnancy process should always be taken into account.

The discrepancy between the time limit and the long term is usually an indication for additional studies, which are often performed by ultrasound, CTG, and dopplerometry.