D-dimer in pregnancy - the norm

The norm of such a substance as the D-dimer in pregnancy is directly dependent on the estimated gestational age. By this term, in medicine, we mean the decay products of a biological substance, such as fibrin, that takes direct part in the blood coagulation system.

What is the norm of D-dimer in the current pregnancy in the first trimester?

Before talking about the level of normal values ​​of this indicator, it must be said that there are no clear numerical values ​​for it for pregnancy, i.e. when evaluating the results, doctors pay attention, first of all, that the D-dimer concentration does not exceed the upper threshold. It is also worth noting that the direct concentration can be indicated in units such as ng / ml, μg / ml, mg / l, which must be taken into account in the evaluation.

So, for the first trimester of a normally occurring pregnancy, the concentration of this biological substance in the bloodstream of the expectant mother should not exceed 750 ng / ml.

How does the concentration of d-dimer in the 2 trimester change?

As a rule, as the gestation period increases, so does the concentration of such a substance. So, normally, d-dimer in the 2nd trimester in pregnancy without complications can reach 900 ng / ml. However, it is not necessary for a pregnant woman to sound an alarm and worry when the value of this indicator exceeds a thousandth threshold. In such cases, a woman is usually prescribed an additional consultation with a hematologist.

What concentration does d-dimer in the trimester reach?

During this period of bearing the baby the amount of this substance in the bloodstream of the expectant mother is the maximum. At the end of gestation, in the trimester in pregnancy without disorders, the norm of the d-dimer in the blood should not exceed 1500 ng / ml. So, for all the time of bearing a baby, its concentration in a pregnant woman is increased 3 times.

How is the evaluation of the results obtained?

Interpretation of the result of analysis of d-dimer in pregnancy and comparison of values ​​with the norm should be performed exclusively by the doctor. The thing is that this kind of marker is not very informative and can only be an indication for the subsequent examination of a pregnant woman.

In case the future mother has a predisposition to the development of thrombosis, she is prescribed appropriate therapy with the use of anticoagulant medications. This allows you to prevent the formation of blood clots, which during pregnancy can lead to disastrous consequences.