Benefits of cucumbers for the body

Cucumbers appeared as an agricultural crop many thousands of years ago. Their homeland is the tropics of Indochina, where they still grow in the wild. In the garden they were first raised by the Chinese. Much later the cucumber came to Europe, thanks to the researcher Marco Polo. After many years of laborious and selective work, the cucumber became a typical garden plant of temperate latitudes, including the most popular vegetable of Russia.

How many vitamins are there in a cucumber?

Cucumber is 95% water, while it contains very little protein, fat and carbohydrates . Despite this, it has a lot of potassium, and also there are phosphorus, calcium, magnesium and iron. From vitamins prevail C, B1, B2, provitamin A, in addition, the cucumber contains enzymes that help the assimilation of animal proteins. The combination of meat dishes with cucumber salad, which is why it is considered a very successful combination - you will agree, it is already good for the organism, considering that cucumbers are so "watery".

What is the use of fresh cucumbers?

Fresh cucumbers doctors recommend to include in the diet of patients with cardiovascular system, as well as people with diseased kidneys, liver, obesity, gout. In cucumbers, a lot of different alkaline salts. By this indicator, they lag behind only the black radish. Such salts perfectly neutralize acid compounds that disrupt metabolic processes in the body and cause its early aging and the formation of stones in the liver and kidneys. Regular consumption of cucumber reduces the load on the pancreas, as it is very easy to digest.

Cucumbers - a good source of iodine, and its easily digestible compounds, so it is especially useful to people in places deprived of seafood.

In addition to fresh, very popular and canned cucumbers, namely salted, salted and pickled. In the process of fermentation in cucumbers, lactic acid is produced, favorably affecting the functions of the digestive tract, preventing the occurrence of cancer. What vitamins and mineral salts contain cucumber, significantly reduces the amount of fat in the blood, lowers blood pressure and speeds up blood circulation.

Just a few words about cucumber pickle. It contains biologically active substances that act as a mild laxative for the intestines, besides, the brine excels toxins perfectly and has long been considered the best remedy for hangover syndrome.

Benefits and contraindications of cucumbers

Salted, and especially pickled cucumbers, excite appetite, so they are not recommended for obesity. In general, all salinity should not be taken for food to people suffering from diseases of the stomach, heart, atherosclerosis and urolithiasis. It should be noted that cucumbers are absolutely not combined with milk and cause stable diarrhea.

Benefits of cucumber for weight loss

Cucumber refers to one of the most dietary, low-calorie foods (15 kcal!). In the season of fresh ground cucumbers, you have a wonderful opportunity not only to lose weight, but at the same time to rejuvenate and fill the body with useful minerals and vitamins! There are many different diets based on cucumbers.

There are several options for fast weight loss, but in any scenario, it is desirable to get by without salt, because cucumbers remove water and salt from the body, and its salt will keep it. Salt you can easily replace lemon juice, which will be even more useful, while the juice will give the dish an extra piquancy. Be sure to add to the cucumber salad various herbs of your choice - good fennel, parsley, cilantro, basil, celery , mint, tarragon, etc. You can also add for sharpness green onions, garlic, a little flavored pepper. At the same time, drink unsweetened green tea.

In 3 days you will throw 2-4 kg, you will feel cheerfulness of spirit and excellent mood.