Chemotherapy - the consequences

To date, the main method of treating tumor formations remains chemotherapy, the consequences of which, unfortunately, are in most cases comprehensive and deliver a huge discomfort to the patient. The reaction of the body to antitumor drugs is individual, therefore it is impossible to foresee it. Some patients suffer from chemotherapy with minor side effects, for others the consequences of such treatment are more extensive. However, they all have a short action, and the body functions are restored soon after the procedures are completed. We will examine the consequences of chemotherapy after treatment.

The essence of the side effect

Antineoplastic drugs are designed to reduce the growth and division of cancer cells, but, at the same time, the drug acts on other cells of the body - healthy. Therefore, with lung cancer, lymphoma, leukemia and other forms of oncology, the consequences of chemotherapy are based on a violation of the growth of cells of the mucous membranes, bone marrow, hair follicles, the genital area. This is manifested by nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, ulceration of the oral mucosa, baldness, violation of sexual functions, anemia, etc. Over time, the vital activity of healthy cells normalizes, and the consequences of chemotherapy in both women and men pass.

Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea

These conditions are provoked by the action of antitumor drugs on the structures of the brain, cells of the stomach or intestinal mucosa.

To alleviate the effects of chemotherapy, usually with drugs that reduce nausea and diarrhea, but even the most innocuous medications in this category should only be prescribed by a doctor. You can also help yourself by excluding from the food fiber-rich foods, coffee, milk, alcohol. With diarrhea, foods high in potassium are recommended - bananas, apricot and peach juices.

If nausea or vomiting is a concern, there should be little, carefully chewing food. Dishes should be at room temperature, not too greasy, sweet or salty.

It is extremely important to maintain the hygiene of the oral cavity and anus, as the effects of chemotherapy are closely related to a decrease in immunity.


Alopecia or alopecia occurs when not all antitumor drugs are used. Especially many experiences of hair loss as a consequence after the chemotherapy causes in women. It is important to understand that baldness is temporary, and after a certain period of time, the hair will grow back again. Thus it is necessary to use shampoo for dry hair, and if alopecia is partial, it will be appropriate to have a short haircut that conceals the thinning of hair. During the recovery period, you can not curl your hair and blow dry with a hairdryer. Hide a cosmetic defect will also help the wig or shawl.


Antineoplastic drugs affect the bone marrow, so one of the consequences of chemotherapy is a violation of the hematopoietic function, which is manifested by anemia and associated weakness. If the hemoglobin level has greatly decreased, the following will help:


Antineoplastic drugs also inhibit the production of white blood cells by the bone marrow - the leukocytes responsible for immunity. The most serious consequence of chemotherapy is defenselessness before infections that can enter the body through the mouth, lungs, skin, urinary tract, genitals, intestines. To protect yourself from germs, you should carefully monitor hygiene, avoid cuts and injuries, contact with infectious people and newly vaccinated children, use gloves while working on household chores and taking care of animals.