Laryngeal edema

Laryngeal edema is considered a manifestation of some disease or pathological condition, but not an independent disease. It is extremely dangerous, since it can lead to choking if you do not help the patient in time.

Causes of laryngeal edema

Laryngeal edema is inflammatory and non-inflammatory. In the first case, it can arise as a condition accompanying guttural angina, phlegmonous laryngitis, epiglottis abscess, suppuration in the root of the tongue, cervical spine, pharynx, oral cavity.

Non-inflammatory causes that cause laryngeal edema can be provoked:

In children, swelling of the larynx can happen due to taking too hot food. It can also be caused by mechanical damage to the larynx by a foreign body or surgical intervention.

Angioedema of the larynx

If the puffiness of the larynx is caused by the action of the allergen, then, as a rule, it is accompanied by urticaria and swelling of the face and limbs. This condition is called Quincke's edema, it refers to reactions that develop immediately.

Most often, Quincke's edema occurs after taking medications containing vitamins B, iodine, aspirin, penicillin, etc. Sometimes such an allergic reaction causes:

Angioneurotic edema of the larynx is often caused by parasitic and viral infections (giardiasis, helminthic invasions, hepatitis, etc.), as well as diseases of the endocrine system.

The release of histamine provokes alcohol, because patients with laryngeal edema are added to the holidays. In addition, the predisposition to the swelling of Quincke can be hereditary.

Manifestations of laryngeal edema

Laryngeal edema is characterized by the following symptoms:

At first, it is difficult for the patient to inhale, then - both inhale and exhale. Upon examination, you can see that the soft palate, tongue and palatine tonsils swelled. The patient rushes, his breathing becomes wheezing. If there is a swelling of the Quincke, the above symptoms are usually accompanied by swelling of the face and hands (the patient swims the eye in a few minutes, the lip, fingers swells up).

First aid for swelling of the larynx

At the first signs of the laryngeal edema, you need to call an ambulance, otherwise the patient will suffocate. In the expectation of a doctor, the following measures should be taken whenever possible:

If the laryngeal edema is caused by the injection or bite of an insect in the arm or leg, a tourniquet should be placed above the site of the allergen's penetration.

Treatment of laryngeal edema

Treatment is aimed at eliminating the underlying disease or allergen. With an inflammatory edema of the larynx, an abscess is opened and anti-inflammatory therapy is prescribed. With allergic edema of the larynx, they prescribe a course of antihistamines and glucocorticosteroids.