Useful properties of citrus fruits - oranges and tangerines

In winter, the main sources of vitamins are citrus. While local fruits, apples and pears lose their useful properties, representatives of citrus fruits retain them fully.

Useful properties of citrus fruits

Useful properties of citrus, oranges and tangerines, spread to the whole body:

Useful properties of citrus peel

In citrus fruits useful properties are not only the flesh, but also the skin of the fetus, as well as the films that separate the lobules of the flesh. So, vitamin C in the films contains more than in the pulp. However, even more ascorbic acid and other vitamins in the citrus peel. But because of the presence in it of essential oils that have a burning-bitter taste, a citrus peel should not be consumed in large quantities. It is much better to soak it and make candied fruits out of it, which lose bitterness during cooking and make it taste good.