Proportions of the human body

The question, "What are the proportions of the body?" now is very relevant, especially against the background of obesity of the vast majority of the population and the desire of many to have a model appearance. However, very few people know that these very proportions of the human body and waist circumference directly affect the life span of a person.

Scientists from the London Imperial College (UK), together with the German Institute of Nutrition, investigated the relationship between the risk of premature death and the proportion of body proportions. After watching tens of thousands of Europeans, experts came to the conclusion that the wider the waist, the more likely it is to die prematurely. In addition, the proportions of the human body should be such that there is not much difference between the volume of the hips and the waist circumference. This means that the fat deposits should be evenly distributed throughout the body. For example, a person may not suffer from obesity in the conventional sense, however, the proportions of a person's body with large fat deposits on the stomach will be detrimental to his health.

What should be the ideal proportions of the human body?

The answer is simple: the right proportions of the body must be harmonious with regard to the constitution, age and growth of a person. Although this does not mean that you need to strive exclusively for 90-60-90 to ensure that the proportions of the female body are sexy and attractive.

How to measure the proportions of the body?

There are several ways in which you can measure the proportions of the body. One of the simplest - the waist girth should be 2/3 of the volume of the chest or thighs. These approximate ideal proportions of the female body can be taken as the basis for the planned volumes after diet and exercise. There is one more formula that allows to determine the correct proportions of the female body: П = Б: (Н + Р + Ш), where П - proportions, B - hip circumference under the gluteal fold, Н - shin circumference, Р - shoulder circumference, Ш - circle neck. If this indicator shows a value of 0.54-0.62%, then we get the ideal proportions of the woman's body.

Also, the ideal proportions of the girl's body can be calculated according to the proven formula of Brock. If growth is significant up to 165 cm, then the weight is measured as "growth in cm - 100"; if the growth is within 166-175 cm, then the formula "growth in cm - 105"; if above 176 cm, ideal weight = height - 110.

In this case, we also need to take into account the types of body proportions. Depending on the skeleton, distinguish between thin-boned (asthenic) body type, normocostic (normostenic) and broad-bone (hypersthenic). The proportions of the female body will correspond to the first type with a wrist circumference less than 16 cm, the second type from 16.5 to 18 cm and the third - more than 18 cm. The proportions of the male human body correspond to the asthenic constitution with a wrist volume less than 17 cm, normostentic - from 17 , 5 to 20 cm and hypersthenic - more than 20 cm.

After determining its composition, it is necessary to correct the results obtained after calculating the weight according to Brock's formula. At the first type of physique from the result it is necessary to take away 10%, at the third type - to add the same. Results for the normostenic physique need not be corrected.

Such calculations will help to tentatively determine whether you need to lose weight or not. In general, one must understand that the proportions of a person's body are genetically laid, and they can not be fundamentally changed: wide hips can not be narrow, just like a wide back. Breasts generally have little opportunity to increase naturally. However, the proportions of the body of a woman or a man can be adjusted to the state of harmony, removing excess fat deposits with the help of fitness, balanced nutrition and active lifestyle.

To give the body the necessary form, physical exercises must be performed 3 times a week. Specialists recommend during the first workout in the week to do exercises that help to increase in volume those parts of the body that you need to create the desired proportions of the woman's body. On the second training you need to pay attention to what needs to be reduced. The third training should be fastening, but not burdening: warm-up, stretching, small loads.

Fitness - one of the most effective ways to create the ideal proportions of the body of a girl or a young man, because you can choose exactly those exercises that are suitable for each type of build and type of figure, reminiscent of the form of the following letters: A, H, T and X.