Gymnastics for the spine

Wellness gymnastics for the back and spine is a necessity for almost every inhabitant of the planet. Regardless of sex and age, more than 80% of the population suffers from a variety of disorders and diseases of the spine, which certainly affects the health and quality of life of people. And as the modern rhythm of life does not contribute to the improvement of the situation, for many, the complexes of exercises that save low mobility and relieve tension from muscles are saving. Let's try to figure out what should be guided by choosing the exercises of therapeutic gymnastics for the spine, and what are the advantages and disadvantages of various techniques.

First of all, it is necessary to establish whether there are problems with the spine, or exercises are only needed for prevention. The fact is that with many diseases of the musculoskeletal system, loads can be prohibited, and even simple exercises in such cases can have the opposite effect. At the same time, most of the disorders of the spine are corrected precisely with the help of exercises. Therefore, in cases where back pain, limited mobility of the spine, curvature or other signs of disturbances are observed, the cause should be established and the gymnastics corresponding to the diagnosis should be selected. Therapeutic exercises for the thoracic and lumbar spine do not allow twists and sharp inclinations, and for some violations the slopes can be completely forbidden, or they are only allowed in one direction. The choice of gymnastics for the cervical spine should be approached particularly seriously, since any clamping or displacement can have serious consequences for the general condition of the body, including causing a violation of pressure or stroke. For preventive purposes, it is worth choosing a technique that compensates for the lack of movement and develops the flexibility of the spine. The following types of well-known curative complexes for the spine have a wide range of action and can be used both for curative and preventive purposes.

Chinese gymnastics Qigong for the spine

Chinese sages call the spine the tree of life, and believe that it is on his condition that human health depends. The goal of qigong therapy is to restore the circulation of vital energy - qi, and the primary role in this process is played by the spine. The therapeutic gymnastics of Qigong for the spine is effective both in injuries and in diseases of the musculoskeletal system, including chronic ones. But without a mentor, picking up and mastering suitable exercises is very difficult, and in some cases dangerous. Stopping your choice on this technique, you should be ready to change your way of life and thinking, since without this exercise will be ineffective.

Tibetan gymnastics for the prevention of age-related changes

Tibetan gymnastics "Eye of Revival" is aimed at rejuvenating the body, and first of all is an energy practice. Exercises of this complex not only allow to keep mobility of joints, but also are effective at various dysfunctions and infringements, and also render positive influence at an osteochondrosis. There are also warnings - Tibetan gymnastics for the cervical spine can be dangerous if you perform head deflections incorrectly. To prevent compression of the intervertebral discs, exercises that require inclinations back are performed neatly, the head does not tip over, but stretches upward and gradually tilts, stretching the spine.

Therapeutic gymnastics Strelnikovoj for a backbone at a scoliosis

Strelnikova's breathing exercises are widely known, and despite the fact that the technique was developed relatively recently, its effectiveness has been tested not by one generation. By promoting the renewal of tissues and cartilage, as well as the development of the back muscles, the exercises not only level the spine, but also prevent the appearance of osteochondrosis. To achieve a therapeutic effect, regular training will be required for a long time. Gymnastics has practically no contraindications, which makes it available for various diseases.

Isometric gymnastics for the muscles of the spine

The cause of many diseases and disorders of the spine is muscle weakness, which leads to injury when loaded or over-stressed. This can be avoided by training the back muscles with isometric exercises that do not damage the cartilage tissues and joints, and at the same time develop the muscles, making them strong and flexible. Especially useful is such gymnastics for the cervical spine, in which dysfunctions and infringement most often arise.

Manual exercises for the spine

This technique, developed by the manual therapist V. Chentsov, is designed for the prevention and treatment of various diseases of the spine, and consists of simple exercises. According to the author of the technique, manual gymnastics allows not only to influence the spine and back muscles, but also has a positive effect on the entire body.

When starting the exercises of the chosen gymnastics, it is necessary to follow the recommendations of the authors, to increase the load gradually, as the flexibility and strength develop, to train regularly, then the result will not take long to wait.