How to choose a fitball?

Knowing how to choose fitball - a popular gymnastic ball for weight loss, you can achieve greater efficiency from classes - improve coordination , remove fat deposits from problem areas and make the body more slender.

What do you need to know about fitball?

Thinking about how to choose a fitball, you should know that it must be equipped with a special security system so that if accidentally damaged, the fitball does not explode, but begins to slowly release air.

Use fitball on a smooth surface to avoid punctures or cuts. But, if you still can not avoid mechanical damage, you should reconstruct it with a special glue from the manufacturer's company, after which you can deal with it again. Keep fitball in an inflated condition and away from heating appliances and direct sunlight.

Before thinking about how to choose the right fitball, you need to know what they are. So, for children and pregnant women will fit balls with special handles-holders, which will allow to engage more confidently and safely. In addition, fitball can be smooth or touch (with hard thorns). The first are intended for expectant mothers and infants, and the latter - for sports, relaxation and massage.

Choice of fitball

Fitball is a gymnastic orthopedic ball with a diameter of 45 to 95 centimeters. Choosing a fitball by size is important, since it plays a big role in the effectiveness of the classes. The main criterion in this case is the angle between the thigh and the shin of the seated person, it should be in the range of 95-110 degrees.

To determine the size, you need to sit on the ball, straighten the back, fix the hands on it with the palms of the back, and place the legs on the width of the shoulders so that the feet are parallel to each other. The angle between the trunk and thigh, thigh and shin, shin and foot, should be straight. When forming an acute angle, do not engage in the ball to avoid health problems. Choose fitball by weight is not difficult, because this indicator is not fundamental. The maximum user weight should not exceed 130 kilograms. Many, choosing a fitball, pay attention to its color. In this case, which fitbol choose, one decides for himself, depending on individual preferences.

It is also worth noting that the cost of the ball affects the size, design features, brand and equipment.