Unexpected rules of table etiquette in different countries of the world

In each culture there are own rules of table etiquette. And what is considered the absolute norm for us is to ask for a double portion of cheese for a pizza, for example, or to break a spaghetti into several parts - for residents of another country it can become a serious insult.

To avoid being trapped, it is desirable to study all local peculiarities and customs before going abroad. Otherwise, you risk insulting the chef, and what it is fraught with, God knows ...

1. China

1. Do not hold the chopsticks behind the pointed end, if you still plan to use them. Do the opposite, and the locals immediately lose respect for you.

2. The rods should not be crosswise. If local residents dine with you see the "X", they can be offended.

3. In China, the longer the noodles, the better. The product symbolizes the duration of life. That is, the more noodles are longer, the longer life will be. And if you cut macaroni, then you are encroaching on your own longevity.

4. Want to get rid of your friends Chinese - drop the sticks on the floor. According to local beliefs, the sound that is heard when struck awakens the ancestors from their carefree sleep.

2. Italy

1. Italians are very scrupulous about food and always serve dishes in a form in which they will be the most delicious. Therefore, if you ask to add cheese, sauce, salt, pepper to your portion, this will be a terrible insult to the boss. And again: never, do you hear, never ask the Italians for ketchup.

2. To drink a glass of wine for a delicious dinner is a sacred matter, who does not like it. But in Italy you need to be on your guard: here in restaurants it is very undesirable to get drunk. Many locals simply consider this unacceptable.

3. Italian restaurants are friendly to young parents with young children. But before going to the institution moms need to prepare. The fact is that in a few restaurants changing tables are located in latrines. In most places they stand right in the hall. So it's not so easy to change the diaper in front of everyone (or, properly speaking, to smell it?).

4. In Italy, it is not pleasant to complain about food. Even the elementary remarks are best left to yourself. Have come to the Italian institution - be ready to try something new (read: impeccable) - that's what the Italian cooks say.

3. Japan

1. Never insert chopsticks in food. In Japan, it is customary to do this only at funeral ceremonies. On a typical day, this is an unkind sign. For convenience, in many restaurants, special stands are served.

2. Do not put chopsticks on food, choosing something from the common dish. This is considered rude and ignorant. If you take a piece - roll, for example - from a general dish, put it on your plate first. There are directly out of the general filing uncultured.

3. Before meals, hot towels are brought to most places in Japan. They are for the hands. Do not even try to wipe their face.

4. Every meal begins and ends with thanksgiving. Before eating, say itadakimasu - "I gratefully accept." And after - gochisousama - "thank you for the meal." This is an important element of the meal and if you miss it, you can recommend yourself as an ignoramus.

5. If the dish is served in a small bowl, keep it with your left hand almost at the mouth. Do not try to pick up the falling food on the fly. So do ill-bred people.

4. Russia

1. Empty bottles of vodka should always be put on the floor. The emptied container on the table is not good.

2. In Russia, the one who invites to a restaurant, and pays the bill. You, of course, can politely ask for a check and offer to share the payment, but in most cases you will get a refusal.

3. At the Russian table, you should try everything in just a little bit. But when you finish the meal, the dishes should not be completely empty. The rule does not apply to bread and alcohol.

4. There is a need, holding the fork in the left hand, and the knife - in the right. It's impolite to place elbows on the table.

5. Great Britain

1. Never smoke in England while eating. Cigarettes can only be taken after meals. And always use an ashtray.

2. Do not lean on your elbows or put them on the table while eating. At the meal, the most correct (from the British point of view) to sit exactly, holding a posture.

3. Having eaten the soup, the plate should be tilted from itself.

4. Before smearing the bread with oil, break a piece. There is a whole sandwich in Britain is not accepted.