Motherwort with breastfeeding

Motherwort is best known as a natural sedative, helping with insomnia and overwork. This medicine has virtually no side effects and contraindications, so it is often prescribed during pregnancy. In this article, we'll talk about whether a motherwort can be breastfeeding women.

Whether it is possible pustyrnik nursing mum?

When a young mother begins to breastfeed , she faces a new life for her. First of all, we are talking about a lack of time. In conditions of constant concentration on the child, lack of sleep and lack of adequate rest, many women experience psychological difficulties. A motherwort can cope with the emotions and overstrain. During breastfeeding, only natural preparations that do not have a negative effect on the child are allowed. Therefore, the motherwort with GW will be an excellent helper from fatigue and bad mood.

In what form is it better to use Leonurus in lactation?

Motherwort is produced in three forms:

  1. Spirituous tincture of motherwort, which is contraindicated in lactation. It contains about 70% alcohol, so it can not be breastfeeding moms.
  2. Motherwort in tablets can be taken with lactation, while it is very convenient to use.
  3. Filter packets with motherwort breastfeeding are the most preferred option. In this case, the grass is pre-brewed and drunk like regular tea. Only it is important not to use it above the permissible norm in order to avoid undesirable consequences.

When can breastfeeding help with breastfeeding?

Motherwort for nursing mothers will be an effective assistant in the following situations:

  1. At high blood pressure, in particular, with hypertension or gestosis . It is known that in women during lactation often the pressure rises due to nervous excitement. Headaches, as a consequence, are well removed motherwort.
  2. With tachycardia and shortness of breath . Mothers have to carry the baby on their hands, raise the stroller and other weights. In connection with this, there may be irregular heart rhythms.
  3. With insomnia . Even when the baby sleeps, the young mothers themselves often do not get a good sleep. It's about hormonal changes, fatigue and inner feelings. Sleeping drinks can not be, and airing the room does not always help. Motherwort with regular admission will act as a mild sedative and will establish a sleep.