
The meaning of the word enthusiasm comes from the Greek root, denoting a special state of excitement, which, as a rule, develops into a thirst for action and activity towards the goals and tasks set.

What is the meaning of enthusiasm and what did it mean initially?

If today enthusiasm, enthusiasm and enthusiasm are synonyms, then in antiquity the notion of "enthusiasm" was somewhat different. Used this expression in the event that they wanted to describe the state of some person possessed by a deity. As an example, we can recall the enthusiasm of Bacchantes. However, from the time of ancient antiquity to modern times, this word was more often used as a designation of man's reaction to something beautiful.

When there is enthusiasm and enthusiasm?

It is believed that the emergence of such a state has a special circle of assumptions. Among them, you can list the following options:

  1. Man finds the possible way to achieve his goal , and this generates a thirst for action.
  2. A person aspires in a short time to manage with a large amount of work, counting on some encouragement or getting through this free time.
  3. A person gets new knowledge and skills, and seeks to quickly learn them in practice.
  4. Man has developed new cultural priorities and set new goals, which are real and achievable.

Any of these options allows the person to work with enthusiasm, much faster, happier and more enthusiastic than usual. Usually those activities for which a person is taken with enthusiasm are deep in spirit, or meet some of his internal goals.

What is naked enthusiasm?

If a person is very enthusiastic about his work and is willing to work day and night, and his encouragement is meager or not at all, he is said to be working on bare enthusiasm. In this case, it should be understood that a person puts his efforts into the matter not for the sake of reward, but for the sake of the matter itself, probably from a great personal sympathy for him.

Sometimes enthusiasm and optimism are connected: a person works hard because he believes that sooner or later he will be noticed and promoted, or they will be offered an increase in salary. However, based on the direct meaning of the word "enthusiast", this is impossible, because it does not presuppose even a hidden selfish goal.

Despite the fact that enthusiasm in the work is usually welcomed, the idiom "naked enthusiasm" still suggests a somewhat mocking attitude toward a person who does not value his own work.

How to develop enthusiasm among employees?

As a rule, in order to employees of the company treated to work with enthusiasm, they need to be well-motivated, and not always it means material profit. As a rule, people enthusiastically participate in various competitions, even if the prize is not too valuable - the team spirit and the victory itself already serve as good motivators.

However, such an excellent stimulator of enthusiasm, as a monetary reward, will always be relevant.

Who is an enthusiast?

An enthusiast is not at all the kind of person who works especially diligently for the sake of increasing his salary. This is the one who moves some of his own internal goals, ideals and attitudes without having any direct benefit from his activity.

Thus, even if the employees of the company are motivated by various bonuses, they will not become enthusiasts. But if you do not pay wages, and people will still work - in this case the word "enthusiast" is as good as the concept "works on bare enthusiasm".