Local anesthesia

For various surgical interventions, it is usually necessary to anesthetize a certain area of ​​the body. For this, local anesthesia is used, which allows temporarily interrupting the conductivity of the nerves, which transmit pain impulses to the brain.

There are 4 types of local anesthesia:

Is it painful under local anesthesia?

Before the doctor's operation, the necessary type and dosage of anesthetic is carefully selected in accordance with the volume and complexity of the surgical manipulations. Therefore, properly performed anesthesia completely relieves the patient of unpleasant sensations.

Soreness occurs only during the first injection - the injection of anesthesia. In the future, the treated area grows numb and completely insensitive.

Consequences of local anesthesia

The type of anesthesia considered is generally well tolerated without side effects.

Complications after the use of local anesthesia are extremely rare, among them the most common are the following conditions:

The listed consequences can be avoided if the tolerance of different types of anesthetics is preliminarily determined, the presence of hypersensitivity reactions after their introduction.

In addition, the quality of anesthesia and its effectiveness depends on the skill and experience of the doctor. Properly selected drugs and performed anesthesia do not provoke any negative complications.

What kind of surgery is done under local anesthesia?

Local anesthesia is used in most surgical interventions in all medical fields:

1. Obstetrics and gynecology:

2. Dentistry:

3. Urology:

4. Proctology:

5. General surgery:

6. Gastroenterology:

7. Otolaryngology:

8. Traumatology - almost all simple surgical interventions.

9. Ophthalmology - most operations.

10. Pulmonology:

Also, almost all manipulations in plastic surgery are performed using local anesthesia. For example, under local anesthesia, blepharoplasty and rhinoplasty are performed, contour plastic lips, cheeks and other operations.

And this is not a complete list of cases when it is advisable to apply the described type of anesthesia. It is considered the safest and almost does not cause complications, even if the patient has serious health problems. In addition, this anesthesia does not presuppose a rehabilitation period, right after the operation it is possible to return to normal life.