Thrombocytopenia - Causes and Treatment

If there were no platelets in our blood, then at the slightest cut, a man would have been bleeding. For normal functioning in a microliter of blood, the number of these cells should be between 180 and 320 thousand. If they are less, then thrombocytopenia begins to develop, the causes of which and the necessary treatment should be known to everyone.

What triggers the development of thrombocytopenia?

Thrombocytopenia can be primary (as an independent disease) and secondary (as a consequence). By what process provokes a change in the number of platelets in the blood, thrombocytopenia is divided into groups.

Thrombocytopenia products

It is characterized by a decrease in the formation of platelets. This can occur as a result of:

Thrombocytopenia of destruction

It is associated with an increase in the destruction or consumption of these blood platelets. This could be caused by:

Thrombocytopenia of redistribution

It occurs because of the increase in the size of the spleen for various reasons:

Traditional treatment of thrombocytopenia

The most effective treatment for essential (primary) thrombocytopenia is the use of Prednisolone (a steroid hormone). In case of severe disease, immunomodulators can be prescribed, an operation to remove the spleen or blood transfusion.

In order to overcome the secondary form, it is necessary to conduct treatment of the disease that caused this process. At the same time, monitor blood composition. Often after this, all signs of thrombocytopenia disappear, and the number of blood platelets in the blood is restored.

Treatment of thrombocytopenia with folk remedies

Traditional methods of therapy can be used only as an aid to drug treatment, but not in its place. To strengthen immunity is recommended to use all known aloe, garlic, onion, echinacea purple. It is also recommended to drink vitamin teas from:

Well-established in the fight against thrombocytopenia sesame oil, which can be added to food or eaten in pure form.