How do I make injections?

It is worth knowing that intravenous injections should be done by professionals, and intramuscular and subcutaneous injections can be mastered at home. However, everything related to the introduction of medications must be carried out according to certain rules.

What are the injections?

Depending on what you need to do injections, and places where they need to do, usually different. There are several types of injections.

Intradermal injections

Such injections are done to conduct tests on the reaction of a drug to the body (for example, a test for the Mantoux reaction). If there is no itching and redness in 10-15 minutes after the administration of the drug, then it can be administered as prescribed by the doctor. A medication is introduced into the middle of the forearm in the inner side, where the skin is thinner and more tender. The needle is injected almost parallel to the skin at a shallow depth. The medicine is introduced in a small amount - 1 mg, so that a small knob "grows up", or as the children say - a button. The syringe is used small, with a volume of 1-2 ml with a thin short needle.

Subcutaneous injections

In this way, vaccinations and insulin injections are done. They are introduced into the middle region of the shoulder, the area around the navel or under the shoulder blade. The syringe is taken small - 1-2 ml.

Intramuscular injections

These injections are placed in the outer upper square of the buttock or in the middle of the anterior part of the thigh, as well as in the deltoid muscle of the shoulder. The syringe for adults should be 5 ml with a needle length of 4-6 cm.

Intravenous injections

They are:

Do such injections only health workers who have experience. In both cases, the syringe needle is inserted almost parallel to the skin at a shallow depth. In order to make sure that the needle has entered the vein, and you can inject the medicine, you need to pull the plunger of the syringe a little inside. If blood appears in the syringe, then you can continue the procedure of injection.

General rules on how to do adult shots

There are indispensable general rules for conducting any injections:

  1. You need to wash with soap and hands, treat them with an antiseptic.
  2. Remove the ampoule with alcohol. Shake the ampoule, tap with the tip of the finger on it, so that the medicine falls completely down, then gently peep it and break off the tip away from you. If the medicine is in a vial with a rubber stopper covered with a metal lid, you need to remove it, and rub the rubber stopper with alcohol and gently prick the needle. Needle for a prick change.
  3. If the medicine is in the form of a powder, it must be dissolved with Lidocaine or Novocaine with the same needle.
  4. Print the packaging with a disposable syringe, put on the needle, without removing the cap from it. Remove the cap from the needle, draw the medicine from the ampoule, pulling the syringe piston inward.
  5. Be sure to remove excess air. To do this, hold the needle with the needle up. Lightly tap your finger on the syringe container so that the air bubbles go up. Then, slowly push the plunger until the droplet of the medicine appears on the tip of the needle. The syringe with the medicine is ready.
  6. Treat the injection site with a cotton swab with alcohol - first a large area, then another tampon with alcohol directly to the site of the injection. After the introduction of the medicine, the needle should be removed with a quick movement, after having clamped the place of the injection along with the needle with an alcohol swab.
  7. At the injection site, hold the cotton swab with alcohol for 1-2 minutes, lightly massaging the injection site. Dispose of used syringe with needle.
  8. Each next injection should be made at least 3 cm away from the previous one.

How to make a hypodermic injection?

After preparation for the injection:

  1. The syringe should be held in the right hand so that the index finger holds the needle, and the left and right fingers gather the skin at the site of the alleged injection.
  2. Rapidly move the needle at an angle of approximately 3-4 degrees by two-thirds of the length of the needle.
  3. Release the crease, inject the medicine.
  4. Apply cotton wool with alcohol and gently, but quickly remove the needle.

How to do intramuscular injection?

Before you take a shot in the buttocks of an adult patient, it's best to pack it. Further:

  1. The needle should be inserted with a rapid movement perpendicular to two-thirds the length of the needle.
  2. The medicine should be started immediately, but slowly.
  3. If a course of injections is prescribed, alternate between them in the left and right buttocks.

On the question of how many injections can be made, your doctor who can prescribe the dosage and the amount of the drug for injection depending on the disease and its severity.

What if I get a seal after the injection?

If seals appear after injections, try the following: