Sinusitis - symptoms and treatment

Sinusitis refers to inflammatory diseases. If an infection occurs in the nasal cavity, the inflammation can spread to one or more of the paranasal sinuses.

Symptoms and treatment of sinusitis

The choice of methods and means of therapy depends on what kind of pathogens caused the disease. Sinusitis is caused by:

The latter become pathogenic to the body after treatment with antibiotics and in the presence of diseases that cause a weakening of the immune system (diabetes, leukemia, AIDS).

Particularly noteworthy is allergic sinusitis, when the inflammation of the mucous sinuses causes ingestion of an allergen.

According to the nature of the current,

Symptoms and treatment of viral sinusitis

In acute respiratory viral infections, the characteristic symptoms of acute sinusitis and rhinitis are nasal congestion and headache, so treatment is primarily aimed at cleansing the nasal cavity. For this purpose, the nose is washed with saline solutions and drops are injected into the nasal passages to reduce the inflammatory process, as well as agents with vasoconstrictive effect. To alleviate the pain and to remove feverish manifestations help such drugs as Aspirin, Asibuprofen, Acetaminophen.

Symptoms and treatment of bacterial sinusitis

Bacterial sinusitis usually occurs as a complication after a cold caused by viruses. Often the cause of inflammation of the nasal sinuses is caries. Accompany the disease headache and facial pain, cough, purulent discharge from the nose, fever. Antibiotics are used to treat bacterial sinusitis. Also, to eliminate the swelling of the nasal mucosa, vasoconstrictive drops are used.

For chronic sinusitis, physiotherapy (magnetotherapy, etc.) is recommended, and in the presence of pus, a sinus puncture can be performed.

In order to eliminate symptoms of sinusitis during treatment at home, inhalations are used. The most effective solutions are in hot water of the following natural substances:

Effective means are ointments, prepared according to the recipes of traditional medicine. To lubricate the sinuses of the nose, you can use the following formulations:

Good help in the treatment of sinusitis drops on the basis of such natural products as:

To facilitate breathing, therapeutic compresses are made from softened beeswax with grated black radish or garlic.

Symptoms and treatment of allergic sinusitis

Most often, allergic rhinitis occurs when the pollen of plants and dust enters the body. Edema of the nasal mucosa leads to sinusitis with a protracted character. Antiallergic drugs are used in the treatment of allergic sinusitis. It is equally important to eliminate (or at least reduce) the effect of the allergen.

Attention! If you suspect a sinusitis, you should consult a specialist. The otolaryngologist will determine the form of the disease and select the appropriate course of treatment. Timely therapy started will help to avoid complications.