Vaginitis - treatment

Under such a disease as vaginitis in gynecology is commonly understood as inflammation of the vagina . In this case, this pathology can have a different nature of origin. It is this fact that explains what distinguish several varieties of vaginitis (aerobic, trichomonias, allergic, candidiasis, bacterial). The most widespread was the bacterial form of the disease, in which excessive growth of pathogenic microflora is observed. Let's take a closer look at a disease like vaginitis and tell you about its treatment and diagnosis.

How often does bacterial vaginitis occur and what are its main symptoms?

Before considering the treatment of bacterial vaginitis, it is necessary to say about its main symptoms. According to the statistics of women's consultations, on average, 60-65% of women experienced the manifestations of this disease.

Even before treating bacterial vaginitis, the doctor primarily conducts a survey of a woman and examines her in a gynecological chair. Most often girls with this disease complain about:

The severity of the above symptoms mainly depends on the type of pathogen and the stage of the disease. As with any disease, the greatest number of symptoms is seen in the acute stage. In severe cases, with vaginitis, the body temperature rises, which indicates the generalization of the inflammatory process. However, the most persistent symptom of such a pathology is the itching, which in most cases only increases with physical exertion, during menstruation and after sexual intercourse.

How is the diagnosis of the disease carried out?

In order to choose the right drugs for the treatment of vaginitis, the doctor prescribes diagnostic tests, which help to pinpoint the type of pathogen. The central place among them is PCR diagnostics, as well as bacterial culture of vaginal microflora.


After the woman undergoes the examination and the doctors determine the cause of the disease, the next step is treatment.

It should be noted that the treatment of acute vaginitis should be performed at any age of the patient, regardless of the presence of accompanying pathologies. The basis of the therapeutic process is always etiotropic treatment (directed at the causative agent, the cause of the disease). It is at the first stage that doctors determine how to treat vaginitis in a particular case.

Such therapy can not do without the use of antibiotics. These drugs can be produced in the form of tablets, ointments, suppositories. So often from candles for the treatment of vaginitis, Metronidazole, Terzhinan, Geksicon, Tenonitrosol, Ornidazole are used. Multiplicity and duration of admission should be indicated only by the doctor.

Separately, it is necessary to say about the folk remedies that take place in the treatment of vaginitis in the home. At the same time, such herbs and products as bark oak, yarrow, leaves of rosemary, sage leaves, St. John's wort, plantain large and others. With the help of these medicinal plants, baths and syringings are performed.

Treatment of nonspecific vaginitis includes the use of etiotropic, anti-inflammatory drugs.

Finally I would like to note that for the effectiveness of the therapeutic process, it is better to treat with vaginitis simultaneously and partner, than then re-take the course of treatment. It is also necessary to say that chronic vaginitis is difficult to treat. Therefore, the disease can not be started, and when the first signs appear - seek medical help.