What to do when there is nothing to do?

What to do when there is nothing to do? Many on this issue just grin, which means there is nothing to do, then it would be a moment to find free! But no, there are people who suffer from boredom, not knowing what to do with themselves. And meanwhile, doctors tell us that such a condition, when there is nothing to do and do not know what to do, is dangerous for our health. And not because people can do bizarre things from boredom, but because our brains need daily new impressions. And if they are not, then the state of "I'm so bored, absolutely nothing to do" will grow into a serious depression. To prevent this from happening, let's think together what can be done when there is nothing to do.

What can you do if you have free time?

1. First of all, you need to make a list of your desires. Take a pen, paper, sit comfortably and start to wish - write everything that comes to mind, because surely there are things that you have long wanted to do, but for some reason postponed the embodiment of their desires for life indefinitely. Well, now the very moment has come when you can, if you do not do everything that was going to, then at least remember your intentions. Maybe you wanted to jump with a parachute, learn to play billiards, read a book? Or maybe you have wanted to listen to the songs of your favorite artist for a long time, but all hands did not reach - then there is no time, then the Internet does not work properly as it should?

Anyway, the list you made up, well, what to do next? Strike out of it difficult to fulfill desires, like a flight into space and nights with Johnny Depp. You did the same? Excellent, see how many options you have left for free time. It remains only to choose where to start and boredom, how to remove the hand.

2. When there is nothing to do, games will come to the rescue. In which to decide for yourself - will it be a tennis match, a game of chess or a game of "crocodile", in which you play with your friends. There is no company for games, not scary when there is nothing to do, the Internet is the best friend. There you can find a toy to your liking - shooters, racing, role-playing online games. Well, you want the graphics to be more serious, go to the store for a computer game and go ahead, kill time behind the monitor. Even if you've never played computer games, try that you lose, there's still nothing to do.

3. By the way, if you do not want to play, you can find books on the Internet and films. What to see, when there is nothing to do? Well, it's up to you to decide what you like more, then look. And if you really want to take your head, argue with what funny people say, which the monitor shows, or spit into the screen - look at some unscientific supermistic nonsense, which has become very much in recent times both on TV screens and on the Internet. Now even the hijacking of a car or a burnt pie can be dumped on aliens, and they begin to prove this point of view with foam at the mouth. Look, have fun.

4. Do you have children, maybe not your own, your nephew or your niece, for example? Ask, maybe the child also has nothing to do. Then you can spend your free time and have fun organizing it. And watching children is never boring.

5. There are no children nearby, but there is nobody to do with them? Urgently looking for a couple, for life or a couple of weeks, this is how to turn out. The main thing is that the process of finding a new hobby will save you from boredom, and complain that there is nothing to do at night, you will not be able to.

6. The other half is, but boring for both of you? Then to search for entertainment you need to attract the second bored. Think about what you would like to do together, think of yourself a tradition at least once a month to do something new. You look and hobby, which will absorb your bad mood and boredom, will be found.