Visual memory

Why do some people easily remember, for example, faces, while others do not? It turns out that the whole thing is in the visual memory. Someone can easily remember and even "reproduce" in memory what he has seen, and it will be difficult for another person to do it. The first one can be envied, but the latter should learn how to train visual memory.

How to develop visual memory?

Tasks and exercises for the development of visual memory should be simple in execution and fast in execution time. You can use the following method:

At the very beginning of your training, the mental picture will be fuzzy. Try reducing the number of matches. In the future, gradually increase the amount. With each time, you will all be better able to reproduce the picture, marvel at how much your visual memory will become more effective.

There is another simple exercise that can be done anywhere and anytime. Remember:

Now you know how to improve visual memory.

Features of visual memory

In psychology, memory is seen as one of the basic properties of personality. A person deprived of memory ceases to be. Short-term memory provides "preservation" and "playback" of the picture after a few seconds after its short perception. The display of the seen occurs with high accuracy, quickly fixed. At the end of for some time the impressions disappear, and very soon a person can not remember anything from the not so long ago seen.

There are three types of memory:

Train your memory and remember only good things.