Psychological protection

Everyone knows that the human psyche is a very fragile thing, and in order to "pull off" often you need very little. Therefore, the wise nature provided us with methods of psychological defense against aggression. When these mechanisms are included, human behavior may even look inadequate. In most cases, such techniques work as intended, but sometimes the body, trying to protect a person from external influences, puts him in a capsule of depression and other psychological disorders. Therefore, it is important to be able to recognize these mechanisms in order to be able to control their behavior.

Methods of psychological defense against aggression

  1. Repression . In this case, involuntary elimination of unwanted thoughts, feelings or aspirations into the unconscious occurs. For this type of psychological protection of the personality hysterical reactions are characteristic, as well as various phobias.
  2. Suppression . One of the most promising types of psychological defense is the rejection of the meaning of an unpleasant event and the emotions caused by them. In the end, the release of emotions still occurs, and the consequences of it can be devastating.
  3. Regression - in traumatic events, a person returns to childlike behavior and immature ways of meeting their needs.
  4. Projection . If you can not grasp any thoughts, feelings and desires as your own, a person relates them to another person. In everyday life, this should help to accept yourself, explaining that if someone does not accept a person, it is not his fault. Many are inclined not to see their own shortcomings, blame others for their failures. The harmfulness of such methods of psychological defense is that they do not save from different ways of manipulation. In this state, a person does not adequately perceive reality and this is very easy to use.
  5. Introjection is an attempt to include in the personality of an object or person. This method helps with the loss of loved ones, it is able to help to perceive moral values . But with depression, this can degenerate into self-abasement, as a person begins to blame himself for the mistakes of others.
  6. Rationalization . At work of this protective mechanism the person tries to find the most comprehensible explanation of a situation most acceptable for itself. In any case, this method implies a certain amount of truth, but there are a lot of lies here than the method and is dangerous.
  7. Intellectualization - is used to cut unnecessary emotions. The method is closely connected with rationalization and is characteristic for substituting a real feeling with conversations about it.
  8. Compensation - develops the latest and is used usually consciously to overcome shortcomings and hard work on themselves.
  9. Reactive formations - are used to replace the unacceptable motives directly opposite. For example, deliberate modesty and rigor, hypocrisy instead of debauchery.
  10. Denial of reality is a mechanism of psychological defense against the painful impact of any external phenomena. In fact, this desire to hide, saying that in reality there are no ills.
  11. Substitution . It manifests itself in the form of the transfer of feelings, caused by one person, to another. For example, having received a reprimand from the authorities, many express dissatisfaction not to him, but to colleagues or members of his family.

These mechanisms can be used consciously, for example, to protect against psychological vampirism. But in everything you need to know the measure, otherwise instead of protecting yourself from the negative impact, protective mechanisms will become the soil for the growth of complexes and the development of disorders.