
Sometimes it happens when we describe the character of some person, use the word "impulsive". But the question arises whether we know the true meaning, do we understand what impulsiveness is.

First of all, it should be noted that this personal quality forces a person, even unconsciously for himself, to take actions that are not subjected to preliminary long deliberation, weighing all pros and cons. Unfortunately, under the influence of impulsiveness, minute emotions, a person can make a fateful decision.

Impulsiveness in psychology implies a feature in the behavior of a person, which consists in the inherent tendency to make decisions, act on the first impulse, under the influence of circumstances or emotions. The impulsive individual is not inclined to think about his actions, but immediately reacts to them and subsequently often repents in perfect. The reason for its appearance in adolescents is as a consequence of increased emotional excitability. And in adults impulsivity can manifest itself in overwork, some diseases and affect (that is, with a strong, but short-lived, emotional experience, which is usually accompanied by relatively sharp internal and motor mental manifestations of the personality).

Impulsivity is some kind of antonym to the concept of "reflexivity". Reflectivity - impulsiveness is a hypothetical definition of the measurement of cognitive personality style. It is based on observation, on the basis of which it was concluded that when solving problems people can be divided into two types. The first type is prone to a quick response, taking into account the first thing that occurred (impulsivity), while the second type tends to be more systematic, that is, before taking any action, they carefully consider the problem.

As a rule, an impulsive person after a while begins to regret the perfect deed, which earlier led to the destruction of any relationship. Depending on personal qualities, this person can either ask for forgiveness, or even further exacerbate the situation.

Impulse test

In order to determine the presence of impulsivity, specially created tests are used (for example, the questionnaire of the impulsiveness of H. Eysenck).

In the questionnaire below, the subject should be placed next to the statement "+" or "-", depending on whether he agrees or not.

  1. You are prone to hasty decision-making.
  2. In everyday life you act under the influence of the moment, without thinking about the consequences.
  3. When making decisions, you weigh the pros and cons.
  4. To speak without thinking is about you.
  5. You often act under the influence of feelings on you.
  6. You carefully think about what you want to do.
  7. You become irritated at the sight of people who are not always able to quickly decide on anything.
  8. Litigation is close to you.
  9. Emotion is more important than the mind, if you intend to do something.
  10. You do not like to choose choices for a long time to make a decision.
  11. Often criticize yourself for haste in making a decision.
  12. You often think about the consequences of the decision that you are about to take.
  13. You inherent a long hesitation, until the last moment, when making a decision.
  14. You think about it for a long time even when solving a simple question.
  15. In a conflict situation, you will rebuff the offender, without hesitation.

For the "+" for questions 1,2,4,5,7,9-12 and 15 and for negative answers to Nos. 3,6, 8,13,14, it is necessary to put 1 point. Total, the more the number of scores counted, the more impulsive you are.

It must be remembered that it can not be unequivocally asserted that impulsiveness is something negative in a person. Do not forget that human nature is multifaceted and in most cases unpredictable.