How to force yourself to get up in the morning?

Rare people do not experience problems with early recovery, for all the rest, the question of how to get yourself to get up in the morning is relevant. Do not think that if you are by nature "owl", then no tricks will help you. Everything will work out with the due desire on your part.

How easy is it to get up in the morning?

Have you ever been a "lark" and one mention that you have to get out of a warm and cozy bed at dawn or even earlier, causes a fuss and a desire to complain about the injustice of this world? But biorhythms are not congenital, so you need to understand why it's hard to get up in the morning. This will help find the most effective way to wake up at the right time. In fact, there are only two reasons: lack of motivation and fatigue.

  1. You do not know how to get yourself to get up in the morning without problems because you do not see the point, that is, there is no motivation. Of course, the ideal option is to do what you love, be completely involved with it, then there will be more desires to meet the new day. If the work is not the most beloved, find another way to motivate yourself, set a clear goal and consider each lifting a big step towards it.
  2. You can not get up in the mornings as easily as before because of usual lack of sleep. Try to normalize your sleep regime, learn to leave things the next day, and release them in your thoughts, otherwise you will not get a good rest.

If you can not solve any of the reasons, then try to use one of the tricks, how to get yourself to get up in the morning without problems:

All of the above tricks can be effective, but do not resort to them too often, since none of them will replace the normal order of life.