Children's Soviet fairy tales

In vain, adults think that children's films-fairy tales of the times of the USSR are not of interest to modern children. Of course, after all possible Chronicles of Narnia, our heroes will be unaccustomed to them, but thanks to the efforts of popes and mothers, the children will be able to get acquainted with the origins of the national cinema.

The best children's Soviet fairy tale films teach their viewers the eternal values ​​of our world - kindness, friendship, justice, that evil will always be punished, and good will win. In our time it becomes very important, because from the TV screens children often see scenes of cruelty and violence, which was not in Soviet times.

List of Soviet children's fairy tale films

Cinematographers of those times were very fruitful, and for family viewing there is plenty to choose from. Instead of playing the next computer games, start a tradition to arrange days of a fairy tale, for which the following films are recommended:

  1. "Vasilisa the Beautiful". Incredible special effects of the 20th century, perhaps, will make you smile, but at the same time dipped a few decades ago and will remember your childhood. The personification of good in this tale - Ivan, saves Vasilisa from the clutches of a terrible monster.
  2. The Snow Maiden. A fairy tale about how meanness and cunning can punish a person, but virtue, on the contrary, will bring happiness.
  3. "Ivan and Mary." The picture tells how a simple soldier Ivan decided to prove how to live properly the king, who was unlucky, literally at every step.
  4. "King of Drozdoborod". A fairy tale about a princess, who was married to the first person she met, because she was very picky and contradicted the will of her father.
  5. "Kingdom of Crooked Mirrors". A very interesting fairy tale with a fascinating story about the girl Olya, who got through a mirror to a completely different country, where everything was vice versa.
  6. "Mama". A musical film-fairy tale for children, in which a lot of characters are involved. This is the story of a goat that punished its kids to not open the door in her absence.

In addition to this list of children's film-stories, shot in the USSR, you can see: