Earth pear - useful properties of Jerusalem artichoke, peculiarities of growing

Jerusalem artichoke is not considered an agricultural crop, but it can often be seen on the beds of ordinary summer residents, not interested in breeding professionally. The ground pear is used in cooking due to the unique mineral composition of the roots, which can be easily confused with ginger.

Earthen Pear Plant - description

The Latin name of this species is Helianthus tuberosus , because it belongs to the same family of astroids as the tuberose flower. Unlike its counterparts, this plant is a perennial. In the middle of the XVII century, the earth pear topinambur arrived on a ship to Paris with representatives of the Brazilian tribe tupinambus, and therefore received the same name. Everyone who decides to grow it at home, you need to get acquainted with the description of the plant:

  1. The closest relative is not only tuberose, but also sunflower, and in taste and growth cycle, the Jerusalem artichoke is identical to the potato.
  2. The low stems of the plant are highly branching: an earthen pear may require binding.
  3. On one stem there are different leaves - on the top they are ovoid, and at the roots - heart-shaped.
  4. Flowers appear late, in comparison with vegetable crops. In the first half of July yellow flowers appear on the tops, collected in a basket.

Earth Pear - Benefit and Harm

The study of useful qualities of the root is done by nutritionists. They have already come to the conclusion that it is suitable for daily diabetic nutrition with any type of disease. Similarity with potato tubers can be considered only external: the chemical composition of Jerusalem artichoke is many times more useful for health. Benefits and harm to the health of an earth pear are as follows:

  1. The pulp of the grated root, when added to face masks, helps to smooth wrinkles and improve skin tone.
  2. In a period of reduced immunity (in spring and autumn), tubers are consumed to increase immunity.
  3. Earth pear is the best natural detox for people suffering from negative environmental influences. It removes toxins and accelerates the metabolism.
  4. Jerusalem artichoke can cause harm only if it is intolerant or prone to increased gas production.

Earth Pear - useful properties

Daily consumption of food at least 50 g of Jerusalem artichoke covers a deficiency in magnesium and silicon. The content of vitamin C can be envied with oranges and cranberries - in 200 g of pulp can be found 150% of daily requirements. Ground pear as a vegetable also has such useful properties as:

  1. The maintenance of arginine and phosphorus increases physical endurance of sportsmen during intensive trainings.
  2. Jerusalem artichoke is used to combat gastrointestinal diseases caused by congestion of bile. With frequent use of it, the intestinal microflora is regulated, which positively affects the condition of a person prone to chronic dysbiosis.
  3. Diuretic action allows you to fight with edema caused by heart or kidney failure.
  4. Increased appetite in children. Not every child likes to eat homemade food and freshly squeezed ground pear juice solves this problem.

Jerusalem artichoke - growing

A plant that is harmless in appearance is considered predatory in relation to neighbors. It is easy to take root practically in any conditions - both in warm and cool regions. The high energy of growth gives strength to the root system to pull all the useful substances from the soil, including under the plants that are in the neighborhood. Knowing how Jerusalem artichoke is grown, experienced gardeners do not plant any fruit-bearing crops alongside. The invader-Jerusalem artichoke will not let them harvest them.

How to plant Jerusalem artichoke?

The best time to plant is autumn or early spring, when the earth began to warm up. After choosing the right place for planting, which does not damage other plants, you need to prepare the soil. Solonchak and heavy soil fertilizes and loosens 7-12 days before sowing. Planting an earthen pear occurs in several stages:

  1. The earth is dug and a one-stage fertilizer is composted .
  2. Before digging in the tubers, large earth clods are broken.
  3. A good harvest can be expected from fruitful tubers: they are even and no larger than a chicken egg.
  4. Tubers are embedded in small holes not more than 10 cm deep. They are densely packed on top of the ground. For normal growth, the distance between them should be at least 30-35 cm.
  5. Rows with planted roots are worked out by rakes with short teeth.

Root Earthen Pear - Features of Care

Among gardeners, the myth of the unpretentiousness of the plant is widespread, but it is erroneous. It really can grow in one place for 15-20 years. With many years of cultivation, the tubers are left in the ground for the winter. The easiest way to arrange a garden bed with an earthen pear on the pasture of pigs. In the spring, the animals themselves will dig up the tubers and loosen the soil. Jerusalem artichoke at home can show good yields if several conditions are met:

  1. After the appearance of the first shoots, the plants are hilled and fertilized with urea once every two weeks. With many years of cultivation, manure is added to it.
  2. The second planting is carried out in autumn, because the spring harvest is 2 times higher than the autumn harvest.
  3. To avoid such a disease as sclerotinia, you should not plant carrots and watercress next to the earth pear.
  4. If the stalks reach a height of 70-80 cm, they are tied with elastic twine.
  5. Half the flowers are cut so that the plant does not waste energy on empty inflorescences.