10 ways to restore youth

What a woman does not always want to stay young and beautiful, cheerful and cheerful. But, is it possible? Is it possible to preserve or regain youth? After all, modern women already in 30 years begin to experience discomfort, associated with age changes. And the elixir of eternal youth is trying to invent for many centuries, but to no avail, so hoping for such a miracle is too big a luxury for women who want to look and feel younger.

Stage One

While the body will remain a source of experience, energy and energy for the return of youth simply will not remain. Therefore, the first stage of the return of youth will be the restoration of health and the awakening of healing vitality. Here are 5 basic rules for restoring physical strength.

  1. The main, and the longest part is the recovery of the body. Complex diagnostics and complex treatment - it is from this that we must begin the return of youth. Make a list of all the ailments. Consult with good specialists, and, without delay, proceed to restore health. Most importantly, do not forget that treatment is not a goal, but only a step that brings us closer to the main goal - rejuvenation.
  2. Do not rely solely on tablets and potions. As you know, the human body is capable of independent recovery, the main thing is to provide him with the necessary conditions. One of the most important conditions is proper nutrition. Reconsider your diet. The daily menu should contain raw vegetables and fruits that contain substances that promote rejuvenation and cell regeneration. And to improve the appearance of the face skin is recommended to use green tea and bananas.
  3. Saturation of the body with oxygen is one of the important steps towards rejuvenation. Oxygen promotes cell regeneration, improves immunity, and also helps with excess weight. If there is no possibility to make daily walks, then breathing exercises based on deep diaphragm breathing will help. For example, the famous technique "Bodyflex", designed to cleanse the body, oxygen saturation cells and fight against excess weight.
  4. Daily gymnastics is an indispensable condition for maintaining muscles and ligaments in tone. Exercises need to be selected, focusing on their needs and opportunities. Starting with laborious and complex complexes is not worth it, otherwise very soon there will be a desire to quit. It is better to introduce the exercises gradually, so that after their execution one could feel lightness. It is necessary to learn how to feel your body, and first of all to develop the most problematic places.
  5. You can not do without special rejuvenating gymnastics. Qigong, yoga, Tibetan and Taoist practices for women - there are many ancient techniques, and each has its own history and philosophy. Choose a gym is based on the inner worldview. Why to achieve the goal you need additional gymnastics? Because it is the ancient practices that restore not only the body, but also the correct flow of energy. When a woman does not have the strength, then the desire for rejuvenation fades, and dreams are reduced only to rest and peace. Are these dreams inherent in youth? Therefore, gymnastics is so necessary, restoring the harmony of body and spirit.

Second phase

And then, when every morning you begin to awake cheerfully and full of strength, when the diseases are defeated, when your body every day will please you more and more, then it will be possible to proceed to the next stage of the return of youth. The following 5 rules will help restore youthful spirit, because we want to not only look, but also feel younger.

  1. Regardless of age, profession and position in society, do not be lazy to discover new horizons for yourself. Training helps to rejuvenate and restore brain cells.
  2. "If you can not change the situation, change your attitude towards it" - this should become the rule for every day. Our thoughts, emotions and reactions to what is happening create a certain mood, and to achieve our goal, the mood should be only positive.
  3. Condemnation of people and events is one of the first steps towards old age. In order for life energy not to be wasted, it is necessary to learn how to accept the world as it is. It is also not worth condemning the actions of people. In most cases, such a conviction will not change the situation, but a negative attitude will be ensured. If the situation affects personal interests, then it makes sense to think about how to avoid losses and troubles, but there is no point in wasting time on condemnation of this situation.
  4. Creativity is one of the best remedies for depression and stress, which, as you know, lead to early aging and illnesses. Every day you need to find time, in order to create something with your own hands. It can be knitting, embroidering, you can make an unusual dinner for a loved one, make an artistic photo, write a fairy tale for children or grandchildren. It does not matter what happens as a result, the main thing is that the process itself brings pleasure.
  5. The most important thing that every person should be able to do is to enjoy life. Look at how young people behave - even without financial stability, reliable relationships and confidence in their future, they are carefree and happy, they enjoy every moment of life. Enjoying life should become a habit, from which it is very difficult to get rid of. Suggest to yourself such a game - in each event to find for yourself the positive aspects. You can offer this game to your relatives, then it will be easier for you to get used to a new perception of events.

In order to restore youth, it is necessary to go a long way. Perhaps there will be times when you want to give up everything, perhaps there will be disappointments. And at such moments you need to remember your goal, remember that image of a young and happy woman whom you want to match. And then the day will come when the youth, carelessness and ease will return.