Types of sensations

If a person is asked to name known types of sensations, he, most likely, will list about four. Most often we remember sight, smell, hearing and touch. In fact, the world of our sensations is much wider. You will learn about the types, properties and patterns of human sensations from this article.

So, what is the feeling? This is a mental process that reflects the individual properties of the objects and phenomena around us when they directly affect certain sense organs. In the sensation our nervous system is always involved.

Types and properties of sensations

Traditionally, all kinds of sensations are divided into three classes:

1. Exteroceptive. This kind of sensations arises when external stimuli act on the surface receptors, that is, it gives us an idea of ​​the images of the external world. Depending on the characteristics of individual types of sensations, the exteroceptive sensations are divided in turn into contact and distant sensations.

The types of contact sensations include:

The types of distant sensations include:

2. Interoceptive. This group combines the types of sensations that arise when internal stimuli act, because interoceptive receptors are located in internal organs. These sensations are extremely important for our body, because they signal a malfunction in his work. Due to interoceptive sensations, we feel hunger, thirst, pain of internal organs.

3. Proprioceptive sensations:

Types of sensory disturbances

There are several types of disturbance of sensations:

It is the variety of sensations that fulfills the basic function of our world perception, and all types of sensations are considered in psychology as a way of recognizing the surrounding reality. Therefore, a healthy body that can feel the maximum range of effects of both internal and external factors, perceives life more fully and accurately.