Review of the book "Rules for Happy Families" by John Miller and Karen Miller

New stages of life usually entail the need to develop and improve, gain new knowledge and skills, regardless of the type of activity. And the responsible person should be ready for various surprises of life, especially if this surprise is a replenishment in the family.

Every parent thinks about the upbringing of the child, perhaps even before his birth, but not everyone knows how to do it right, because all children are completely different, unique personalities. And the working method of educating a certain young citizen does not always work twice. And what about those parents who decided to adopt a child, with habits and behaviors already formed?

It would seem that it's difficult to do what you think is necessary? You start to try not to let mistakes of your parents, analyze the sad experience of friends and try to do otherwise. Often this is not enough. And how to convey to the child what exactly do you want? After all, if you are too kind with a child, you can easily spoil it, and grow up a capricious, "difficult" child. Similarly, you can overdo with severity, and forever lose respect and trust in yourself. And blame for this will have only yourself. The only way out is to learn. And one of the simplest and "budget" solutions is to purchase a book on raising children.

Coming to the store, the counters are full of different covers and catchy titles of books, there are a myriad of them, because the truth is actual. But how to choose exactly what you need, how to buy a book that will be your ally in this not only interesting but also serious matter? Many techniques are based on step-by-step instructions that tell you how to act in a given situation. But not everyone is able to believe the author and blindly follow the algorithm. In addition, most of the techniques simply do not work in practice, or they describe the already obvious things.

Perelopativ kipu books on the education of children, various authors and publishers, you understand how difficult to find a truly working method.

But a solution was found. A book that makes you think, develop, and most importantly: develop personal responsibility. The latter is very important. Often it is very difficult to answer for their actions before the child, because it is much easier to forbid him anything, but sooner or later he will repeat for you. The authors of the book in question are a couple of John and Karen Miller, the parents of seven children! These people know about the upbringing of children not by hearsay. The book is easy to read, it contains useful ideas, very simple, and effective recommendations. The methodology of the authors of the book excludes the template methods of raising children, it is aimed at personal development, which in the future will help develop useful skills in the art of raising children.

The book "Rules of Happy Families" was a godsend for me. It is completely different from other books of similar themes. This book will help solve many (including long-term) problems in the relationship between parents and children, regardless of their age, because it's never too late to learn.

Andrew, the father of two children.