
Many women in their lives at least once faced with strange and obscene behavior on the part of men. It should be noted that this awkward situation, as a rule, arose in public transport. Frottery is a common sexual deviation (deviation). We'll talk about it today.

Where and when

Frotterism is a deviation in sexual behavior, in which excitement and satisfaction are achieved by rubbing the genitals about a part of the body of an outsider. Often it grows into an imitation sexual intercourse and can even end with ejaculation. Often, a person who does this, exposes his sexual organs. However, in most cases, he does this through clothes. You can consider this deviation as a form of exhibitionism. The latter, in turn, consists in the desire to demonstrate their genitals to the public. Exhibitionists for their "exploits", as a rule, choose parks, parks and crowded stops. If you have a man with a wide open coat, under which his nakedness was hidden, just turn away and move away. The less emotion you show, the less chance he will have to enjoy his actions.

Where can we face such a phenomenon? Of course, in public transport, in the rush hour. Metro, bus - frotter (engaged frotterizmom) operates in the crowd, chooses a large crowd of people. Inconspicuously approaching an attractive object, he begins to approach closely. A person commits sexual movements while the traffic is moving. This contributes to the fact that the victim of frotterism can not immediately understand what is happening. He will rub on the object of his desires, fantasize, expose his sexual organ.

Outwardly, a person is not noticeable. Moreover, during the implementation of deviation, he remains unperturbed, calm, as if nothing happens. If you show a violent reaction, aggression, he becomes frightened and rushes to run.


The reason for this deviation is a mental disorder on the background of an unsuccessful sex life. The latter could result in the following:

Escape to flight

If in public transport you are in such an unpleasant story, then it is better to proceed as follows:

Every woman can find herself in such an awkward situation. Should I attract attention when I already want to fall through the ground? To arrange a scene with hysteria is meaningless - it is no longer possible to correct what is happening. Moreover, you must understand that you are an unhealthy person. For some it will seem outrageous, but show compassion and pity. Just hide in the crowd of passengers without much fuss.

Either way, frotterism is the softest and least of all existing sexual deviations.