Fitomycil is better than a laxative!

Spring has already come. But the nature outside the window is still sleeping under the snow cover and, as if imitating it, our intestine remains "sleepy" too. "Heavy" winter food, antibiotics for colds, lack of movement - all this prevents the intestines from cleaning regularly. It would seem that it's easier to take a laxative. However, many traditional laxatives solve only the problem of one day, but in no way restore the natural regular work of the entire intestine. Most of the drugs traditionally used for constipation irritate the intestines, causing cramps, swelling and sometimes sudden desires ... This is unpleasant and extremely inconvenient, especially for working people.

Stimulant laxatives also do not affect the underlying cause of the "sleepy" disease of our intestines. In most cases, constipation is caused by a lack of dietary fiber in the diet - at a rate of 30-35 g per day, a modern person receives no more than 15, and this is only half ...

Against the backdrop of such drugs, the Fitomycyl complex stands alone. Without pain, swelling and unexpected urges, Fitomycil helps to regulate the entire intestine and, gently cleansing the body of harmful ballast, creates favorable conditions in the intestine to restore its natural rhythm.

The composition of Fitomycil includes a seed coat of a special variety of psyllium (Psyllium) and flesh of plum home. These are rich sources of natural plant fiber (fiber). And no synthetic components, there are not even senna in the composition of Fitomycil! Some herbs, traditionally used in the fight against constipation, such as senna, are often part of the usual laxatives. Despite the natural origin, senna can cause spasmodic pains, sudden desires at the most inappropriate time, and with prolonged admission - addictive and even intestinal atony.

Fitomycil acts gently and predictably due to the presence in its composition of high-quality soluble fiber - seed coat psyllium Psyllium and plum powder. Psillium used to treat constipation even in ancient Greece, a domestic plum - almost the most famous plant used to regulate the work of the intestines and purify the body. In the presence of liquid, the cellulose swells, turning into a gel, and softens the contents of the intestine. Purification occurs in the usual rhythm without any surprises. Fitomycil does not cause sudden urges and other side effects, while daily stools are usually restored on the 2nd day of regular intake. Fitomycil is safe for long-term use - it is not addictive; it is no coincidence Fitomitsil is recommended by the Russian Society of Obstetricians and Gynecologists even with constipation during pregnancy.

Fitomycil norms are taken by adding to any non-alcoholic drink - juice, kefir, drinking yogurt or just water, 2 times a day - in the morning and in the evening. In order for the process of regular cleansing to improve quickly, against the background of taking Fitomcil should drink enough liquid - 1.5-2 liters per day.

With Fitomycil, the intestine will work like a clock!