Chronic hepatitis - all types of disease and ways of effective treatment

With inflammatory-dystrophic liver damage, its functionality is impaired. As a result, chronic hepatitis is diagnosed. In patients with such an ailment, life is accompanied by limitations and unpredictable exacerbations.

Classification of chronic hepatitis

This disease has a protracted nature. There are 3 histological variants of such a disease:

  1. The light form is not very active. Inflammation is observed only in portal tissues. Aminotransferase is close to normal indicators or slightly exceeds them.
  2. Chronic active hepatitis has the same clinical picture as with a strong inflammatory process and fibrosis of tissues.
  3. Lobular varieties of liver damage are characterized by the presence of sites with foci of necrosis.

Chronic hepatitis, unspecified etiology, involves a biopsy . This procedure helps the doctor correctly diagnose and develop a treatment plan. In addition, according to the results of the biopsy, the doctor can make a prediction for this disease. Chronic forms are acquired by hepatitis B, C, G and D. A disease belonging to group A or E does not pass into this stage. However, the mechanism of transformation of this ailment from one form to another has not yet been studied.

Chronic viral hepatitis

Most often, this ailment is diagnosed at a young age. It develops against the backdrop of improper treatment of acute hepatitis. The severity of the disease can be exacerbated by viruses, to the group of which hepatotropic ones belong. The situation is aggravated by narcotic and alcohol intoxication. By the degree of activity, chronic viral hepatitis C , B, D and G can have such degrees:

The main factors of transmission of the disease are saliva, blood and the vaginal secret of the infected person. Infection can occur due to poorly disinfected medical, hairdressing, manicure or pedicure tools of reusable use. To that the transmission of the disease can occur with the transfusion of infected blood. Children are more often infected with a perinatal route: from a sick mother.

Chronic toxic hepatitis

Every day, along with useful substances in the human body, poisons also enter. Most of them are disastrous for liver cells. With the accumulation of these harmful substances, chronic hepatitis develops. The disease is provoked by the following groups of "toxins":

Diagnose and alimentary toxic hepatitis. Its second name is fecal-oral. Infection occurs when anilingus. In the group at increased risk are adherents of modern sexual caresses. The reason for the disease is that small fragments of feces infected with hepatitis with oral contact get to a healthy person.

Chronic Cryptogenic Hepatitis

It is an inflammatory process of unknown etiology that takes place in the liver for more than 6 months. In every 5-th case, the cause of the development of the disease even after a detailed examination can not be identified. Cryptogenic hepatitis has one peculiarity: the disease rapidly transforms into cirrhosis or the primary form of cancer. However, this type of liver damage is not a verdict. If the disease is identified and treated correctly, it can be defeated.

Chronic autoimmune hepatitis

With this inflammatory disease, the liver itself is destroyed by the immune system itself. Particular importance is given to hereditary predisposition. Any infectious agent that has penetrated from the external environment can become a "start crochet" in the development of an ailment. However, only the detailed diagnosis of chronic hepatitis can be detected in time. The disease rapidly develops into cirrhosis and can cause death.

Chronic alcoholic hepatitis

This ailment develops as a result of excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages for 5-7 years in a row. However, the rate of development of the disease is affected by hereditary factors and health status. Alcoholic hepatitis occurs because of toxic damage to the liver with a poisonous substance - acetaldehyde. As a result, in place of healthy cells, scar tissue appears, and this interferes with the normal functioning of the internal organ.

Chronic drug-induced hepatitis

This inflammatory disease occurs as a result of regular intake of certain groups of drugs. The clinical picture is the same as chronic persistent hepatitis. Provoke the development of this disease following medicines:

Chronic cholestatic hepatitis

With this disease, intrahepatic and extrahepatic bile stasis is observed. These causes of chronic hepatitis and provoke. Most elderly people suffer from this disease. After the virus enters the bloodstream, hepatic tissues are affected. At a time when the body begins to fight infection, the internal organ becomes inflamed and increases in size. This disease is treatable if you pay attention to it in time. Patients who transferred it develop immunity.

Symptoms of Chronic Hepatitis

The flow of this disease depends on the individual characteristics of the organism. Symptoms of chronic hepatitis are directly related to the causes of its occurrence. However, the general picture of the disease is as follows:

How to cure chronic hepatitis?

Before the appointment of drug therapy the patient must undergo a detailed examination. One of the most common laboratory methods that allows you to make an accurate diagnosis is the delivery of a biochemical blood test. When a person has chronic hepatitis, this can be seen from the results of such a study. In the blood there is an increase in bilirubin and gamma globulin. In addition, when suspected of chronic hepatitis B, a liver biopsy is assigned and a study of markers on the virus is performed. When an ailment of unknown etiology, a more thorough study is prescribed.

Treatment of chronic hepatitis is aimed at excluding factors that accelerate the development of a pathological condition. In addition, the therapy is as follows:

To normalize the activity of the digestive system, Lactobacterin and Bifidumbacterin are prescribed. In addition, Mezim can prescribe a patient from enzyme preparations. Those who suffer from constipation, Dufalac is recommended. At the same time, hepatoprotectors are prescribed. Among them, the most common are Essentiale, Ursosan, Heptral and others. These drugs are designed for long-term use: at least 2 months.

If chronic hepatitis with a viral character is treated, a special therapy is prescribed. It includes a combination of Ribavirin and Interferon. This treatment is prescribed only in such a case, when the results of the survey confirm the activation of viruses. In parallel, dietary supplements with the following effects can be used:

To purify the blood, the patient is prescribed a dropper with Haemodesum. This solution helps to remove toxins and other toxic substances from the body through the kidneys. With properly selected therapy, it is possible to achieve a stable remission, due to what a long time the disease does not make itself felt. However, for such a result, it is important for the patient to follow the doctor's instructions without fail.

Diet for chronic hepatitis

Success in the fight against the disease depends on the patient's lifestyle. Nutrition for chronic hepatitis should be gentle. Prescribed diet number 5. The purpose of such a diet is to reduce the inflammatory process. The daily menu should include the following:

Recommended amount of meals is 5-6 times a day. In the diet must necessarily be present foods high in vitamins of group B, salts of phosphorus, zinc, magnesium, potassium and cobalt. However, it should be completely eliminated: