Than to treat a wet cough?

Expectoration of mucus is, rather, a good sign. Thanks to this process, the respiratory system is gradually cleared of the remnants of vital activity of pathogenic bacteria and viruses, dust particles and pus. Choosing what to treat a wet cough, you need to use the means that dilute the bronchopulmonary secret. It should speed up and facilitate its removal, not completely suppress.

How to treat wet cough in an adult home?

To make mucus less viscous and dense it is possible by means of the following actions:

  1. Drink more warm, alkaline water, tea, compotes, fruit drinks, nectar.
  2. Regularly walk in the fresh air.
  3. Do inhalation on the basis of saline, mineral water.
  4. Humidify the air in the room.
  5. Refuse to smoke, including passive.

Means of traditional medicine also help:

How and what to treat a wet or wet cough?

Traditional pharmacological preparations allow faster dilution of the bronchopulmonary secret and normalize its production. Pulmonologists are advised to use the following expectorant medications:

To treat a strong wet cough with the release of purulent, frothy or bloody mucus can not be independently. It is necessary to do this only under the guidance of a pulmonologist after finding out the exact causes of the symptom.