Goosebumps - Causes

Most people are not worried about the appearance of goosebumps - the reason for this phenomenon is most often associated with fatigue or excessive physical activity. But if such feelings are often troublesome and inconvenient, you should pay attention to them. Most likely, they arise as a result of all sorts of disorders in the body and require the appointment of treatment.

Crawling with blood flow in the legs

Common causes of the feeling of running crawling in the legs are various violations of arterial or venous blood flow in the lower extremities. Call them:

Any violation of the blood supply leads to the fact that the nerve impulses do not pass, which as a result provokes the sensation of a sensation in the legs. Remember that the lack of diagnosis and treatment will provoke further progression of the disease and significantly increase the likelihood of gangrene development.

Other causes of goosebumps

Do you have excellent blood supply in the lower extremities? Then why are they creeping over your legs? This phenomenon often appears due to an inflamed sciatic nerve in osteochondrosis. In this case, the person also experiences loss of finger sensitivity.

The fact that there is a sense of running crawling in the legs may indicate the presence of an intervertebral hernia. In this disease the patient will feel bad and he will have severe pain in his back.

Also, goose bumps are a symptom: