What is dangerous for the virus Zika?

The last couple of years the news is full of messages describing new exotic diseases. Now the various information about the virus Zika is actively spreading. Most sources state that this disease is extremely dangerous, especially for pregnant women.

Any facts, as you know, it is better to clarify further. To find out what is dangerous for the virus Zika, whether it really poses a threat to embryo development, it is necessary to study in more detail the statistics and primary data of medical research.

Is Zick's virus dangerous?

Until last year almost nothing was mentioned about the disease in question. The fact is that the course of the Zik fever is very similar to the common cold, accompanied by malaise, headache and slight increase in body temperature, lasts 3-7 days. In 70% of cases, the pathology proceeds without symptoms at all.

Recently, there have been a lot of warning messages in the media about the disease and information about the dangerous nature of the virus Zika (Zico is a wrong spelling, the ailment has the same name as the forest in which the fever was first detected in 1947) . It is alleged that the complication of the disease is Guillain-Barre syndrome. It is a very rare type of autoimmune disorder with a possible risk of paresis of the extremities.

The truth is that there is no established relationship between the Zik virus and Guillain-Barre syndrome , as well as the evidence that the fever provokes any other disorders of the immune system.

Thus, the described disease is not as dangerous as it is presented by the media. Do not give in to universal panic, if necessary, you can always conduct a simple prophylaxis - use repellents to protect against mosquito bites , and do not enter into questionable sexual relations, at least without a condom.

Why is Zika virus dangerous for pregnant women?

Another shocking news is related to the effect of fever on the brain of the embryo. Such reports contain the facts that Zika virus is dangerous for pregnant women, since it provokes microcephaly in the fetus.

The name of this pathology is literally translated from Greek as a "small head". It is a congenital anomaly of the brain, which has many variations in the clinical course, from normal child development to severe dysfunction of the central nervous system and even death. The causes of this defect are genetic and chromosomal abnormalities, abuse of the future mother by alcohol and drugs, taking certain medications.

For the first time, microcephaly and Zeka virus were attempted in 2015 after the embryo of a pregnant woman infected in Brazil with fever at week 13 found brain growth abnormalities. Also, from the fetal neurons, the RNA of this virus was isolated. This case caused the order of the government of Brazil to register absolutely all embryos with microcephaly. As a result of this action, it was revealed that in 2015 this diagnosis was found in more than 4000 cases, whereas in 2014 - only in 147. Since early 2016, the Brazilian Minister of Health has already reported 270 embryos with microcephaly that can be associated with fever Zika or other viral diseases.

The above facts really scare, if not go into details. In fact, the registration of microcephaly in 2015 was made only on the basis of measuring the head of babies. The diagnosis was established in all cases when this figure was less than 33 cm. However, the small skull girth is not a reliable sign of microcephaly, and about 1000 of these children with suspected pathology were healthy. As for the year 2016, more thorough examinations of embryos have shown that Zika virus is only present in 6 of 270 cases.

As can be seen, there is no reliable evidence of the relationship between this fever and microcephaly. Physicians only have to find out at what time the virus of Zika is dangerous and how many complications it has, whether this disease is any kind of threat.