Products that accelerate metabolism

How often do you want to eat something "for losing weight"! But, logically, there is nothing supernatural about this: there are products for the assimilation of which our body spends far more calories than received. It is this category of food that is called products that accelerate metabolism . About them and talk.


We apologize, but the first place in the list of products for the acceleration of metabolism should be taken by water. We consist of 70% water, and therefore no exchange process occurs without H2O. Every time you feel hungry, drink a glass of water first. Perhaps you confuse thirst with hunger. Daily consumption of 1.5-2 liters of water will accelerate metabolism by 30%.

Hot peppers

Chili is the phenomenal spice that will increase metabolism by 25%. Just add it to the dishes and it will stimulate the metabolism for several hours after eating.


To the products dispelling metabolism it is impossible not to rank "milk". Are you surprised? All lactic acid production is a storehouse of calcium, and without calcium, as is known, the process of losing weight does not start. In order to raise the metabolism by 70% you need only three times a day to include in your menu something dairy.


Perfectly saturate and, most importantly, for a long time, because they are all slow carbohydrates . Useful for maintaining insulin in the norm, for a sense of satiety, good mood. Products made from whole grains (not cereals, and not peeled cereals), retain all the microelements and vitamins. Find them on the shelves is very simple - learn to read the composition! On the first place in "whole grain bread" should appear exactly cereals.

What we have listed is just a drop in the ocean. In fact, there are so many products to accelerate metabolism, so much that your diet can and should consist exclusively of them.