Nitrates in food

Speaking about the danger of contamination of food products with nitrates, first we need to say about the number of fertilizers applied and about the conditions under which the plants were grown and in what soil they grew. In the event that during the growth very often there was a deficit of sunlight and heat, nitrates do not have the ability to be transformed into proteins , as a result of which their excessive accumulation in the plant is observed. Speaking about the content of nitrates in food, it should be said that the most harmful are those grown in hothouse conditions. But still the main reason for poisoning people can be called excessive amount of fertilizers in plants that can cause negative consequences for the body.

Nitrates in food

Speaking about nitrates in foods, it should be shown that the fruits that have grown on artificial fertilizers and are characterized by the presence of a large number of nitrates are more distinguished by their unnaturally large size, some looseness and high water content. In this case, the leaves themselves can have an unusually bright color. Sometimes, products containing nitrates grow so quickly that they begin to "pop at the seams".

It is extremely useful to look at the fetus in a section. If it contains a large amount of nitrates, then its cut may differ in a non-natural structure and uneven color, and also have darkening, veining, condensation, which indicates the presence of a large number of nitrates in the fruit. In this case, the products containing them in large quantities differ in another taste. So, for example, if you have an increased amount of nitrates, their taste becomes much worse - there is an unnatural taste for the fruit, it becomes unpleasant to swallow and chew, despite the fact that in appearance such a product can be very appetizing.