Jam from sea-buckthorn is good and bad

Sea buckthorn is a unique plant, the fruits of which contain many vitamins and nutrients. About what benefits and harm can bring jam from sea buckthorn to the human body, we'll talk today.

Is jam from the sea-buckthorn useful?

In order to understand what effect this delicacy has on the body, let's consider what vitamins and minerals it contains. In the jam from the sea-buckthorn you will find vitamins B , P, PP, C and A, they all take part in metabolic processes, affect the functioning of the immune system, increase the conductivity of the fibers of the nervous tissue. The lack of these substances leads to disruption of mental processes, a decrease in memory capacity, a deterioration in metabolism. One of the properties of jam from sea-buckthorn is that it helps to adjust the work of the gastrointestinal tract, strengthens the intestinal peristalsis, promotes the normalization of digestive processes. Gem is advised to eat those who suffer from constipation, increased gas production and gastritis.

Useful properties of jam from sea-buckthorn are also that this berry contains a lot of potassium necessary for strengthening the cardiovascular system and the walls of the heart itself. Lack of this substance can cause heart attack or stroke, therefore jam is recommended to people over 45 years old, this will help reduce the risk of developing such ailments. The presence of magnesium and calcium in jam helps to strengthen bone tissue and joints, those who are likely to develop arthritis , should include this delicacy in their diet.

Contraindications for jam from the fruits of sea-buckthorn is not enough, it should not be eaten by people with diabetes and obesity, since it contains a fairly large amount of sugar, as well as those who suffer from allergies.