Cerro Rico

Cerro Rico de Potosi is a mountain in Bolivia with a large content of tin, lead, copper, iron and silver. Mount Cerro Rico was accidentally discovered in 1545 by the Indian Diego Huallpa, the literal translation of its name means "Rich Mountain". The height of Cerro Rico at the time of opening was 5183 m, and the circumference - 5570 m.

general information

As already mentioned above, the Cerro Rico mountain was discovered in 1545, and a year later at its foot the city of Potosi was founded. Initially, it was inhabited by fewer than 2 hundred Spaniards and about 3,000 Indians who worked for them, and after 2.5 decades the population of the city increased to 125,000. Miner town is not distinguished by any particular architectural style, because no one counted on the long work of the mine, and housing was assumed to be temporary.

The work of the Cerro Rico mine then and now

Another name for the Cerro Rico mountain in Bolivia is the "Gates of Hell", and it is no accident: the researchers considered that about 8 million workers were victims of the mine, since the 16th century. During the period of active silver mining, work in the mines became a duty - the Indians were obliged to provide 13,500 of their own tribes annually.

Modern working conditions differ little from the original ones: miners work from early morning until late at night, practically to exhaustion, there is little oxygen in the mines, poor lighting, most of the work is done manually with obsolete tools, and there are no toilets. Miners remain hungry until the very end of the shift. The only source of energy for the whole working day is dry tea, which many workers chew. Because of such working conditions, only a small part of the male miners of Potosi survive to 40 years.

Nowadays, due to active work, the Cerro Rico mountain has become 400 m below its original height, but the miners, despite the risk of collapse, continue their work, since there are no alternative types of earnings in Potosi.

How to get there?

Cerro Rico is in the immediate vicinity of Potosi, so you need to go to the mountain from here. Of the many major cities in Bolivia, Potosi is visited by regular buses or fixed-route taxis. The fare will depend on the distance and comfort of the bus (sometimes the fare in a new bus is twice as high as the usual fare). Excursions are organized to the Cerro Rico mountain from Potosi . Best excursion will be purchased at the hotel: you will be taken to the place, given the necessary equipment, and the guide will walk through the mines and tell the story of this place.