Fried mushrooms with sour cream

Countless dishes were refined sour cream, and one of them are fried mushrooms. Champignons can be prepared with sour cream sauce and served in the form of "Julien", just to any side dish or even to a dinner party in the form of the famous French "Champignons à la Crème". On how to prepare champignons with sour cream and will be discussed in this article.

Fried mushrooms with sour cream and cheese

Appetizing appetizer will be ready within 15 minutes, and taste is not much different from the restaurant "Julien" from the kokotnits.



Before frying mushrooms with sour cream, they must be washed and, possibly, cleaned, and then cut into large pieces. Onion grind and fry on a small amount of vegetable oil until golden brown. When the onion is ready you can add mushrooms, but note that raw mushrooms give a lot of moisture and at the same time significantly decrease in size. It is during the allocation of excessive moisture and add sour cream, salt and pepper, stew for another 10-15 minutes, and then remove from the fire and carefully add the yolk. Yolk is necessary in order to get rid of excess sour cream, which sour cream often gives, but if it does not bother you, then this step can be omitted. The hot dish is sprinkled with cheese and left in a frying pan until it melts.

Recipe for "Champignons à la Crème" - mushrooms with sour cream

A classic French dish, thanks to which the manner of preparing champignons with sour cream was born is "Champignons à la Crème". How to make champignons with sour cream according to a recipe that has been tested for decades, you will learn from this recipe.



Butter the butter in a frying pan, add chopped mushrooms, salt, pepper and cook under a tightly closed lid for about 10 minutes. After that, we remove the mushrooms in a separate bowl, and keep the remaining juice on the fire without a lid for another 3 minutes, add sour cream, cream and return mushrooms back to the pan. Before serving in the mushrooms add dry white wine, and then spread on a well-fried toast or eat separately.