Fried fish in batter

Fish fried in batter, it turns out especially juicy, retains the maximum of useful properties and looks appetizing. More often for preparation in such a way fish fillet is used, which if desired pre-marinated in spices.

How to fry fish fillets in a batter in a frying pan?


For batter:


To cook a batter, mix the egg with mayonnaise, salt and seasoning for fish. Then add a little flour and mix until the consistency of the dough as a pancake. The mass should be homogeneous and not contain floury lumps.

The fish fillet is washed and must be thoroughly dried. Then cut into pieces of the desired size, season with salt and pepper, dip in cooked previously batter, and fry until cooked and ruddy in a well-heated frying pan with vegetable oil.

Fried fish in beer batter


For batter:


Fish fillet washed, well dried with paper towels and cut into slices of the desired shape and size. Then rub with ground pepper and moderately salt.

For the preparation of beer batter mix egg yolk, beer and flour. Then beat the protein with a pinch of salt into the foam and add to the flour mixture.

Dip each piece of fish in cooked batter and fry it on hot vegetable oil until beautiful rudeness from both sides.

Red fish fried in batter


For batter:


Washed red fish fillets cut into pieces of the desired shape and size, add to the bowl, season with salt, ground pepper, lemon juice, add chopped greens, a little vegetable oil and mix well. We give promarinovatsya twenty or thirty minutes.

Meanwhile, we brew the flour in warm milk, add yolks, ground with salt, a tablespoon of vegetable oil and leave for fifteen minutes. Then whip the proteins into a foam and add it neatly to the milk and flour mass.

In the frying pan, pour in the vegetable oil, heat it well on high heat, and fry the pieces of red fish on it until ready, after dipping each in the cooked dumpling.