Pouring mulberry without vodka

Silkworm is an unusually tasty berry, which, moreover, is very useful for health. Today we will tell you how to prepare a filling of mulberry. This drink has not only a divine taste, a tart aroma, but also has medicinal properties.

Recipe for mulberry filling without vodka



So, carefully rinse the berry, pour it into a clean jar and cover it with sugar. Then gently pour in the necessary amount of cognac and fresh water. All carefully mix the spoon, close tightly with a lid and put the drink in a warm place for about 3 weeks. After that, the finished liquor is filtered through cheesecloth, we pour the filling from the mulberry into the cognac into a beautiful bottle and serve it chilled.

How to make a delicious filling of mulberry?



We wash the black mulberry well under running water, remove all the spoiled berries, rubbish, transfer it to a bowl and knead it thoroughly with a wooden mortar so that the juice is allocated. Then, from the water and sugar, cook the syrup and cool it to room temperature. In the mashed berries pour alcohol, syrup, carefully mix the contents and pour into the jar. Cover the top with a lid and insist in the basement for 2 weeks. Then we take out the ready-made liquid, filter through gauze, pour the drink into glass bottles, plug it in and put it in the cellar or in the refrigerator.

Pouring from cherry and mulberry



So, to begin with, the cherries are sorted out of debris, washed, dried and carefully extracted pits. Then we turn to the preparation of mulberry: we process, rinse and dry on a towel. After all the berries are ready, go to the preparation of homemade liqueurs. To do this, take a clean jar, pour a little sugar into it and throw a handful of berries, a small layer. This procedure is carried out until the entire bank is filled. Next, gently pour fresh filtered water. Remember that it should not be too hot or too cold. Its temperature should be about 20 degrees. We do not fill the can to the brim, since the fermentation process provides for the emission of gases. And as they will accumulate - the volume of mass will increase. Now take the rubber glove and gently pull it on the neck. It is also worth noting that in one of the fingers it is necessary to make a hole so that the gases exit outside, rather than accumulate in the container. In this form, we put the bank in a warm place and leave until that time, until all the pairs stop. After that, gently remove the glove, and carefully poured the drink into another clean jar. And exactly the same scheme put it on the windowsill, for about 2 days. After this time, the resulting mixture is filtered. To do this, we make a filter: take gauze, spread it in a sieve and lay a thin layer of cotton. Wasting no time, prepare clean beautiful bottles and pour the resulting non-alcoholic drink.

If you do not use the filler, it's best to put it in a dark and preferably cool place. With this method of storage, it will be able to please you for 3 years. Do not forget to also watch: after all, if a little light and heat gets into the room, the terms can change in a smaller direction.