Extended colposcopy

Every woman who follows her health should visit a gynecologist once a year, and if there are pathologies of the cervix , twice a year. To make the correct diagnosis it is necessary to conduct a thorough examination of the walls of the vagina and the vaginal part of the cervix. Expanded colposcopy involves a thorough examination of the mucous cervix of the uterus pretreated with a three-percent solution of acetic acid, using a special optical device - a microscope, a colposcope, a video-telescope.

The next step in the diagnosis is the Schiller test, in which the Lugol solution is applied to the mucous membrane of the cervix, which will color the healthy tissue with a brown color. Do not stain cancer cells and cells damaged by erosion. The results of colposcopy are analyzed by the doctor, afterwards what is diagnosed and the treatment is prescribed.

Expanded colposcopy can diagnose even minor mucosal defects, such as small tumors, small erosions, microblood eruptions.

Colposcopy - indications

The gynecologist carries out an extensive colposcopy of the cervix on the gynecological chair with suspicions of neck pathology, reveals precancerous diseases and cervical cancer at an early stage, HPV, dysplasia, polyps, endometrial polyps, hyperplasia of the cervical mucosa, erythroplasty, and leukoplakia. Also, in colposcopy, malignant formations are identified in the early stages, and also the biopsy and cytological smear site is determined.

Types of colposcopy

Doctors offer two types of diagnosis of diseases of the cervical mucosa: simple and advanced colposcopy. A simple colposcopy is performed without the use of medications, while the expanded coloscopy is performed using special medical tests. Also for the purpose of qualitative examination, gynecologists are offered to perform colposcopy extended with cytology.

Cytology is a modern method of diagnosis of cervical disease, the essence of which is to determine the qualitative and quantitative composition of cervical smears, smears-scrapes, by which the state of the epithelium is evaluated for various inflammations, precancerous and single states, and also allows to control the treatment of various pathologies cervix.

The activity of modern highly qualified doctors is aimed at early detection and qualitative elimination of pathologies associated with the female reproductive system. It is necessary to monitor your health and know that early detection of an ailment helps the least painful and costly to get rid of it.