The child gnaws at the nails - how to help the baby get rid of the bad habit?

Some parents ignore the habit of the baby to bite fingers (onychophagy) in the hope that the child will outgrow it, but as it gets older, the situation only worsens. At the age of 6-10 years, nails are gnawed by about 30% of children, and by the age of 17 this index reaches 50%. It is important to pay attention to this problem in a timely manner and immediately solve it.

Why children gnaw nails on their hands - the reasons

There are physiological and psychological factors that provoke onyphagyphia. In the first case, experts identify the following reasons why a child gnaws nails:

There are other explanations why the child gnaws nails - the reasons for the psychological nature:

Is it harmful to gnaw nails?

Many parents disdainfully treat onyphagy, considering it simply unaesthetic. To gnaw nails is a bad habit not only because of the sloppy appearance of the fingers. Children do not wash their hands too often and thoroughly, so all the dirt that accumulates on them immediately gets into the mouth and swallows. If a child bites his nails, it damages their structure in parallel, which in the future affects the shape and speed of growth of the plates. Babies, long suffering from onychophagia, face other serious pathologies.

Children gnaw nails - the consequences

There are local and systemic complications of the described problem, which can worsen the life of children and adulthood. When a child constantly gnaws at the nails, the following violations occur:

Over time, there are systemic pathologies, if a child gnaws nails for a long time:

The baby gnaws at the nails - what to do?

In the fight against onychophagy, both physical and psychological methods of influence are effective. First you need to find out exactly why children are biting their nails. Knowing the essence of the problem, it is easier to find a suitable solution and completely get rid of it. If the parents do not manage to cope with the pathology on their own, you should consult a pediatrician and a psychologist.

Here's how to wean a child to nail his nails:

  1. To explain to the baby the harmfulness and danger of onychophagy.
  2. Find a way to distract from the habit of biting your fingers - a toy-antistress, a special bracelet, a bauble and other options.
  3. Carefully follow the nails and cuticle of the child, together make a beautiful and neat manicure.
  4. Find an interesting hobby, in which hands are occupied - modeling, drawing, designing and similar hobbies.

Varnish for children, gnawing nails

If the basic ways of solving the problem do not help, you can work on the baby's reflexes. In the pharmacy it is easy to purchase a remedy so that the child does not gnaw nails (creams, varnishes, stickers):

When a child gnaws nails covered with these drugs, he feels a strong bitterness in his mouth. Thanks to this, a reflex is developed not to pull fingers in the mouth. Before using such a tool it is important to explain in detail to the baby what they are for, to draw his attention, that an unpleasant taste arises only during moments of weakness and indulging a bad habit.

How to wean a child to gnaw nails - folk remedies

Alternative medicine offers natural alternatives to bitter lacquer. If a small child gnaws nails, you can regularly lubricate them with fresh aloe juice or just rub your fingers with a cut sheet. Similar bitterness is given by the decoction of wormwood, it is necessary to prepare the solution in advance (1 teaspoon of herb per 1 cup of boiling water). When a child often gnaws his nails, you should often dip your fingertips in such infusion. It is undesirable to use burning substances - hot pepper, garlic and mustard. This will negatively affect the digestion and condition of the baby's mouth.

Another popular way of treating onychophagy will work if the child has begun to nail the nails recently. Under the guise of a manicure you need to grease the plates with a green paste and let it dry out. When trying to bite the fingers of the lip and the area around them will be painted in the appropriate color, and an unpleasant aftertaste will appear in the mouth. The kid just does not like the feeling of his own hands, nor the appearance of his face.

The child gnaws nails - advice of a psychologist

The main recommendation of specialists is a soft, kind and understanding attitude towards children suffering from onychophagia. You can not scold a child and forbid him to bite your fingers, it is important to talk with him and find out why a child gnaws fingernails. Often the cause of pathology is insufficient attention from parents, a sense of loneliness and banal boredom.

Here's how to get rid of the bad habit of gnawing nails with the help of psychological influences:

  1. Spend more time with the child, be gentle and affectionate towards him.
  2. Caring for your nails, setting a good example.
  3. It is clear to explain the dangers and shortcomings of the habit.
  4. To protect the child from stress.
  5. Consult with a neurologist.