Endometriosis of the cervix

Endometriosis of the cervix is ​​called the proliferation of the endometrium of the inner surface of the uterus beyond the boundaries of the organ. Among other diseases of the female reproductive system, endometriosis of the cervix is ​​firmly in third place.

What is the danger of endometriosis?

The main reason for the growth of the endometrium is in the trauma of the cervix, for example, during childbirth. But, often, the provoking factors are genetic predisposition, hormonal imbalance, reduced immunity, abortion, iron deficiency, obesity and others. If the wound does not heal to the beginning of the period, pieces of the endometrium adhering to the damaged surface can become a hotbed of the disease.

Most often, endometriosis is observed in women 40-44 years old. Nevertheless, there is endometriosis in adolescent girls and in women after menopause. Than endometriosis is dangerous, so these are serious complications that arise in the absence of timely treatment. Among them, quite often, note the following:

How is the diagnosis of endometriosis of the cervix?

Unfortunately, not always, endometriosis gives characteristic symptoms, allowing to identify the disease in an early stage. Usually, the pain in the lower pelvis is felt. The problem is that pain in endometriosis of the cervix is ​​easily confused with painful sensations in inflammatory processes, to which most women are frivolous. In addition, endometriosis causes small bleeding in the post- and premenstrual period and, directly, after sex. By the way, sex with endometriosis, too, can cause pain.

Diagnosis begins with a gynecologist and includes: rectovaginal and rectal examination, colcoscopy, hysteroscopy, ultrasound of other abdominal organs, laboratory analysis of blood for endometriosis. The results of the diagnosis allow us to determine what methods can be used to cure endometriosis in a woman.

Treatment of cervical endometriosis

Currently, there are several methods for curing endometriosis. This is a conservative way, with the use of medicines, and surgical. The conservative method is effective in the asymptomatic course of the disease, for patients of young age with infertility or, conversely, women in the age before the onset of menopause. Use hormone therapy in combination with anti-inflammatory drugs. The main drug is the estrogen-progestational group of drugs. They are able to block further proliferation of the endometrium. Treatment takes a long time and only under the supervision of a gynecologist.

Surgery, the way how to cure endometriosis, is quick and effective. In the initial stage, laparoscopic methods are used to remove the affected area through a minimal incision. When the disease progresses, the ovaries and uterus are excised through the incision of the abdominal wall. Treatment by surgery can be accompanied by the appointment of medications that take for 3 to 6 months before the laparoscopic operation.