How to develop the attention of the child?

He counts crows, hovers in the clouds, admits elementary mistakes ... Surely every parent has heard similar complaints from the teacher about the child's inattention. And they seemed to develop the baby as best they could, and they gave him enough time. However, the child's brain must be constantly subjected to strain. Only then the functions of memory and attention will not disturb parents and teachers. And although the development of children's attention is a fascinating process and at the same time complicated, it's worth trying.

Features of attention in children

Attention is, first of all, the child's stable reaction to the external influence of the environment. There are usually three types of attention:

If the question is urgent for you: "How to keep the attention of the child?" First we should remember that in his preschool and junior school age his involuntary appearance predominates. To interest a child in this period can be something new or bright. With the beginning of schooling, it is important to train voluntary attention in children. This can be done by increasing the motivation to learn (encouragement, promise of a reward for a good evaluation, etc.), as well as through games and exercises.

Games for children's attention

Before you begin any exercises, remember some of the features of developing attention in children:

Developing attention games for children are divided into several types depending on what they are aimed at. Before you begin to deal with the child, determine what you want to develop.

1. Development of concentration of attention. The main exercise, which is recommended for all who do not know how to increase attention in the child - "proof-reading". The child is offered two options for this lesson. Large text on letterheads or a regular book with a large font. According to the instructions, you need to find the same letters within 5-7 minutes (for example, only "a" or "c") and cross out them. While the child is engaged in the search it is important not to help him and to watch him search through the lines. In 7-8 years, children should be able to see about 350-400 characters in 5 minutes and allow no more than 10 errors. Do it every day for 7-10 minutes. Gradually, you can complicate the task and increase the number of letters to 4-5.

2. Increase the amount of attention and development of short-term memory. Developing attention games for children in this block are characterized by the memorization of a certain number and order of location of objects. A good example may be the following exercises:

3. Training and development of attention distribution. The child is given at once two tasks, which he must perform simultaneously. For example: a child reads a book and claps his hands on each paragraph or knocks on the table with a pencil.

4. Development of the ability to switch. Here you can also use exercises to develop the attention of children with the help of proofreading. Only words and letters must constantly change. Also to this block you can include old kind children's games "edible-inedible", or "Ear-nose". In the second game, the child on the team should show where he has an ear, nose, lips, etc. You can confuse the baby, calling one word, and holding on to another part of the body.

For the first time thinking about how to develop the attention of the child, first of all, remember that you yourself must be attentive to it. And most importantly - it's systematic and regular classes. You can play with the child anywhere, on the way to the store, in the queue or in the transport. Such entertainment will bring a great benefit to the child and develop in him not only attention, but also self-confidence.