Dinosaurs for children

Dinosaurs are prehistoric creatures that inhabited our planet millions of years ago. Surely, your child has already managed to get acquainted with some of them, looking through books and cartoons. But just how correct is the idea of ​​the ancient inhabitants of the Earth formed in the crumb: is he afraid to meet a dinosaur on the street or is he sure that these creatures are fictional?

To expand the horizon of the child and save the baby from nightmares, it will be better if he learns about these giant creatures from the fascinating story told by his parents.

Stories about dinosaurs for children should be interesting and cognitive, and, most importantly, accessible to a small audience. In simple form, moms and dads should tell their children by using books and cartoons for children, about how the dinosaurs died out, what they were, what they ate, about their habits and about other features of these huge reptiles.

Studying dinosaurs for children

Many interesting facts about dinosaurs can be learned from books and educational films for children. However, to begin with, the baby is better to tell the basic information about these animals.

Approximately 230 million years ago, that is long before the appearance of man, dinosaurs appeared on Earth, or "terrible lizards" if verbatim.

These animals were truly huge, the sizes of some of them reached 25 meters in length and 6 meters in height. However, there were also tiny lizards, with the dimensions of our turkey. For example, Komsognath is the smallest and fastest predator, which, due to its small size, often became the prey of its large brethren.

The largest predator of that era was the Tyrannosaurus, which had huge sizes and sharp teeth. Escape from this beast was problematic, because, despite the impressive size, Tyrannosaurus ran at a speed of 30 km per hour.

Together with predators, in those days our planet was inhabited by herbivorous lizards, which ate algae and foliage of bushes. Dinosaurs lived on land in all parts of the world. It is also known that the lizards carried eggs, covered with leather.

People have learned about the existence of dinosaurs thanks to the research of paleontologists. They are engaged in excavating the remains of ancient inhabitants. Petrified animal bones scientists find in rocks, sands, clay on all the continents of our planet. Find a whole dinosaur skeleton - this is an unspeakable luck for a paleontologist, sometimes it takes years.

Scientists have not yet succeeded in establishing the exact cause of the disappearance of giant reptiles. Some believe that dinosaurs have died out due to a sharp change in climate, others - are sure that animals are poisoned by new plants.

The history of the origin and life of dinosaurs can be supplemented with stories for children about different representatives of their family (and there were more than 300 species).

To consolidate the material studied, it is possible to show crumbs cognitive films about ancient inhabitants, for example:

The smallest viewers will surely like cartoons:

As for literature, to expand the children's horizons, you can fill up the home library with the following books:

Children will also be interested in learning about you from space and the solar system.